Chapter 14

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My mouth dropped as I stared at the sight in front of me. Paul and Dawn, MAKING OUT?!

Paul and Dawn.

Dawn and Paul.

Now that was a turn of events.

I honestly did not see this one coming. I knew Dawn had a crush on him, it was plain as day! But Paul liking her back?! Total shock! They looked happy nevertheless.

So I'm happy.

I smiled unconsciously, while I heard May gagging beside me. I giggled, turning to May, I motioned for us to leave. She nodded and we raced back to the Cafe.


"And!" I smacked down on the table next to Ash.

"Yeah whatever! Anyway, thanks Mist, you really saved me back there" May smiled once she reached Ash and I.

I smiled back and nodded.

"Hey guys, took you long enough" He eyed us.

May shrugged. "Found Paul and Dawn making out."

Ash shivered,"What?"

"Disgusting, right?" May asked.

"Eh, more shocking" I smirked silently agreeing,"but I'm use to it."

My eyebrows shot up at the statement,"What's that suppose to mean?"

It was my turn to eye Ash. He never struck me as a pervert, which for the week I had been here he hadn't been. That was Gary, not Ash. Gary was the player, the one who played with girls heart strings to get laid and then dump them over text the next day. Which he did do, not that it was any of my business, nor did I care. I just simply found it horrifying is all. That a guy could mess with a girls heart like that and then perv onto another girl the next day.

And I'd be damned if Ash was anything like that. Ash was bold, sweet, and loving. Pretty much everything Gary wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Gary. I just don't like the fact that he got in the way of Leaf and I being friends and by doing what exactly? Being a pervert.

Which completely sucked.

Once I finally met everyone and we all became friends, Gary had to go ahead and flirt with me. In front of Leaf I might add, and that's when everything started crashing down. He'd do it constantly to the point were I thought she was weeping at night.

I cleared the thoughts out of my head and darted my eye's towards Ash, seeing his face scrunch up in disgust.

"It means I'm use to seeing Drew and May suck eachothers face" Ash sneered at May.

"Why you little-"

"Okay! Let's not start a boxing match in Sapph's Cafe!" I teased.

They glared at eachother before nodding, giving me a "Okay" and "Whatever."

Ash coughed,"So, I thought you guy's said you were looking for-"

"We couldn't find her" May interrupted him.

Ash frowned,"I know, but-"

"Just drop it Ash! I'm gonna go get some juice" May stood up abruptly and left.

He frowned and raised his eyebrows, "What's her problem?"

"We couldn't find Leaf" I lied. Well, half lied. It was true, we really couldn't find Leaf but on the way we found Drew.

And that was actually worse. May had been avoiding Drew for the longest time. Which I know it's only been a day but to me, and probably everyone else, it was a century. We had stopped dead in our tracks when he saw and called for us, and that's when May gave me a look. A look that said,"Please come up with something before I die" look. I knew for her it was drastic since she made it clear she wanted to be anywhere except with Drew. I nodded quickly shouting how I was gonna beat her in a race winking at her and we zoomed off.

"You know they're here right?" Ash told me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, Serena and Leaf are right behind you, that's what I was trying to tell May" Ash pointed behind me.

I slowly turned around and sure enough, there was Leaf and Serena drinking tea.

Shocked, I turned back around quickly and searched for May.

She had to be around here somewhere. This wasn't a big Cafe, which I was kinda glad of. I still wanted to help Sapphire fix it up, she loved this place.

I can see it in her eye's. One thing I noticed ever since I stepped foot on campus and saw Ms. Cynthia or May or Ash, I saw it. The sparkle they all have, the sparkle in there eye's.

They all have it.

Everyone does in their own way, everyone. Everyone has a purpose in life, to live and breath. Everyone has it. I still don't know what my purpose is and I don't know if I ever will know.

Or if I want to either.

But everyone here seems to know. Sapphire with her Cafe, May with her Contests and Ash with his Battles. I'm still not sure if it's there purpose but I am positive it causes the gleam. The sparkle I see in their eye's, as I previously mentioned.

I can't help but feel jealous. I longed to have that. A little light in my eye, a gleam, something.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, trying to focus at the task at hand.

If they see you, your screwed but if you find May, you'll still be screwed but at least you'll have back up, I chewed on my nails, debating on what I should do.

"Misty, If you need to talk to them do it. Don't let May not being here stop you" Ash said seriously.

I looked at him with a straight face but honestly I just wanted to burst out laughing. Ash and serious just didn't mix, it was cute and nice of him but his face....

He looked like Pikachu eating ketchup, totally innocent.

I giggled at the thought and turned my attention back towards Leaf.

Okay Misty, this is your chance. Go get your friend back.

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