Chapter 3

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A/N: I hope you like this chapter its going to be REALLY long :) Thank you everyone who voted for my story :) im glad y'all like it ^-^ Now here's the story! Enjoy!

When we arrived in front of the school my mouth dropped. It was WAY bigger up close, I felt like a mini figure! It was......amazing. I grabbed one of my bags while Lily and Violet grabbed my other 2 suit case's. They had offered to take me shopping too, complaining that 2 suitcases and one bag was 'totally' not good enough. I would have too!! To make them happy, there was just one huge problem.

They offered that to me a couple of minutes ago.

I think there scared. Scared ill get bullied again, scared ill get jumped or scared I might kill myself, so they just want to take me out of school. I don't blame them for thinking that, yet they should know I wouldn't do that, it would be against everything I live for.

Though, as far as bullying goes....they never took any REAL action against it like Daisy did. So Im forced to think that maybe they were worried or maybe they cared, but THEIR priorities comes first. Which is ok, I know I will always have Daisy by my side and I know Im her FIRST priority.

"Come on Misty, you don't want to be late" Lily gave me a encouraging smile, holding the door.

"Wow, it's so huge....." Violet mutterd to herself, which actually came out as a echo through the school.

"Haha. Im glad you think that" A new voice spoke up,"The school IS very huge, Im Cynthia your principle and you must be Misty Waterflower, correct?" She said politely addressing me.

I nodded, suddenly not getting the urge to talk, I scooted closer to Lily. Cynthia had long bright blonde hair that came all the way to her butt, with the school shirt on and jeans.

"I have your schedule follow me and key to your dorm, I'll give you a escort around the school, ok?" She offered a hand and I gladly excepted it but soon let go remembering Violet and Lily were right there.

I ran over to both of them and tightly embraced them, which seemed like forever.

"We love you Misty, call us tonight, ok?" Violet said letting go, smiling at me.

"Alright, I love you too" I smiled back at them and followed Cynthia to her office.


"Hmm so lets see, Misty...." Miss Cynthia asked me looking through her files.

"Yes?" I said.

Cynthia grabbed my folder and walked to the door,"Here's your key Misty, dont loose it ok? Good now wait here, Im going to go get a escort from your first period" She said handing me my key and leaving.

Wow, I thought. Ms. Cynthia is really nice, maybe everyone else will be too....maybe I will make some friends and who knows I might get to have my first best friend! Oh gosh im so excited thinking about it.....mayb-

"Misty, I found a perfect escort for you!! Meet May Maple, Miss Maple this is Misty Waterflower, make her feel at home won't you deer? Show her around. I'll be in my office if you need anything. Bye May, have a good first day Misty!" Cynthia bid me goodbye and she scurried off to her office.

"May....?" I mutterd, where did I hear that name before.

Oh wait!! From Daisy! Wow....Daisy forgot to mention she's really pretty too. May had sapphire eye's, her long brown her in a braid. She was wearing a red t-shirt with light blue skinny jeans and matching red vans.

"Hi Misty, Im May! Nice to meet you, like Ms. Cynthia said I'll be showing you around" May smiled offering a handshake.

"Likewise" I smiled back, shaking her hand. "Uhh....we are gonna go to my dorm first right? I mean I don't have a lot of stuff but...." I trailed off, looking at my two suitcases. I really didn't wanna carry my stuff all over campus.

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