Chapter 11

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A/N: I know its short sorry!! /.\ But I promise next will be WAY longer! Enjoy :)

"Misty.....we saw Dawn on are way in, what happened?" May said.

I sighed. or never, right? I sat down at a table, watching May and Paul following my action.

"So Im guessing you read the paper already?" I asked. They nodded.

"Well.....this morning she told me to come here and chill with Sapph until you wake up," I looked at May,"and they pick up the guys" I paused for a breather then continued,"Me and Dawn had left on a good note...I got here and Sapph and I started up a polite conversation with Sapph. But.... then we read the paper and about 5 minutes after that Dawn burst in and....."

I couldn't continue. Paul was right there and if he knew or not I was not just about to spill one of her biggest secrets. Fight or not, she was still my friend.

"You don't have to continue Mist....its fine...we get it" May gave me a  encouraging smile, but also gave me a look saying thanks for not spilling Dawns secret to Paul.

I smiled back and I turned to Paul. He was staring at the floor in.....shock? His eye's were wide and his mouth was slightly open. I was about to say something to him, till May spoke up.

"Paul...I think you should go find Dawn. Me and Mist got to talk then were gonna go find Leaf."

"Why can't you come with me? Your her best friend."

"So are you" May glared at Paul,"Look, we got two problems here and I really don't feel like solving just one when we still have ten more hours of daylight. I want both my bestfriends back tonight. Not tomorrow, not the next day, not a week from now. Tonight. We clear?"

I gaped in shock to how stern and scary May sounded. Paul just kept a straight face and nodded. I know he wanted to find Dawn just as much as we did, but then why was he protesting?

His pride, I came to the conclusion it was his pride.

"Good, meet us back here at eight, ok?" May said.

Paul agreed and left the restaurant. May turned to me and asked,"So...the other night...ready to hear what happened?"

I nodded enthusiastically. I was really curious to what depressed everyone that night, seemed to effect May quite a bit so it couldn't be just nothing.


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