Chapter 4

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A/N: Enjoy this chapter :) its super long too!

"Ash thats my hair!!"

"Shut up May, that was MY foot!!!"

I was in Forth period with Ash and May.

Second and Forth period I had with both Ash and May. I had Third with May too, just not Ash. I found out that after Forth period, was lunch and then last period we could do whatever. I also found out May and Ash yelled, ALOT. I didn't mind honestly. It was funny watching them bicker about nonsence and then turn to me to pick a side.


The sound of the bell snapped me out of my thoughts as I exited the classroom with Ash and May, who had stopped arguing. We walked in silence till Ash spoke up.

"So you like it here so far? Better then your old school?"

"Yeah alot actually....everyones really nice and funny!" I tackled May in a hug from behind as we walked, laughing.

Kanto high IS way better then Ceruluen. No one has bullied me here yet, kick me or try anything else. They were all.....perfect.

"Thats great! If you think that already your gonna LOVE are group!" I saw May grin and roughly grabbed my hand running to lunch,"Come on, Misty lets hurry up!! I want you to meet everybody and there serving food!! Lets go! Hurry up Ashy-Boy!"

"Whaa-? Hey Misty! May! Wait up!!" I looked back and saw Ash sprinting toward us.

"No Ash, im hungry, you hurry up!!"

"Well you didn't have to run ahead without me, and drag Misty along as well!! We were talking!" Ash argued, glaring at my hand in Mays.

"Whatever, I saved her by doing that!!"

"Nu-uh! She was enjoying our conversation!"

"She was, or you?"


"Hm-hm!! Sure Ash...hmph just go find Serena already!"

"Ugh May, can't you just-"

"Umm...guys?" I interrupted.

"What!!" They both shouted at me.

"I-Is....this the cafeteria?" I squeaked out, frightened.

It may be funny when Ash and May are play fighting but when their serious.....there REALLY scary.

"Oh yah...sorry Mist, we didn't mean to yell at you" Ash apologized, looking down. May nodded.

"Mist....?" I confusingly asked. "My sisters call me that..."

"Oh, well I like it, so Im just gonna call you Mist!!" Ash scratched the back of his head, walking into the cafeteria.

"'ll give her a nickname on her first day but you won't give me one? After 5 years?!?" May huffed and speed walked to the line, ahead of us.

"You never asked!"

"Neither did she!"

"So? I like her, she's not a beast like you!"

"Beast?!?! Oh thats it ketchum!"

"Guys can't you just-"

"Ketchum, can't you leave my girl alone for once? Thats my job" A voice cut me off.

I turn around to see the boy who May sat next to in first period. The boy with green eye's and hair. He flipped his hair, smirking at May.

"Shut up Drew!" May shouted at the boy, blushing.

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