Chapter 18

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"Ash! Slow down!" I huffed out.

After Ash gave us the news we all got dressed and left the Academy as fast as we could. Anxiety eating at all of us as we raced into the hospital, getting odd looks as we rushed in.

"I can't, Mist! I-I...just hurry up!!" Ash snapped and continued running.

"Ash is lucky I have good stamina, something you lack Mist. Take a break okay? I'll text you the room number once we get there," Leaf gave a half smile and continued running.

"Thanks Leaf."

"Don't mention it!" Leaf called back.

After Leaf left, May and I continued walking in the direction May and Ash had ran. Silence followed us as we kept are thoughts and emotions to ourselves. Clearing my throat I was about to break the silence but May beat me to it.

"Do you think she'll be okay?"

"Who? Dawn?" May nodded. "Of course May! Don't even think she won't be!"

"You can't blame me for having my doubt's."

"That's the thing May, it won't help. Not you, me and especially not Dawn. You keep thinking the way you are now and nothing good will come out of it."


I stopped walking and glared at the wall. Sometimes I didn't understand her. She was the happiest and most care free person I knew, so why not now? Why does everyone always look at the negatives at times like these? I get it. They dont want to get there hopes up, but sometimes it helps. It helps to hold onto every hope and faith you can grasp onto.

I did, with Rudy. Of course, look where that got me, but I don't regret anything that happened. I wouldn't have been able to meet May or Leaf or even Dawn! There my friends, my family. The guys are too. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Especially Ash.

Woah, where did that come from?



I shook my head of all my thoughts and turned to May.

"S-Sorry, I just started thinking and got carried away. Listen May. Dawn is going to be alright. You take every doubt out of your body and remember that Dawn is strong and will get through this, got it? Plus, we dont even know what happened yet."

I grabbed her shoulders and kept a firm grip on them until she nodded and gave me a encouraging smile. I smiled back and gave her a hug.

"Good, now let's go maybe we can–"

Beep! Beep!

I reached for my phone, that I had grabbed before we left the dorm, and saw I had one new text message from Leaf.

It read:

Physically, she's okay.

I raised my eyebrows and responded back.

Whats that suppose to mean?

She lost her memory, Mist.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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