Chapter 6

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When I finally got to my dorm room I took out my key that Ms. Cynthia had gave to me. Opening my room, I climbed on my bunk and flopped down on my bed.

Maybe it wasn't so great here. I already had two enemies and its only been a week!! Then again....I made friends, which I didn't have at my old school. May and Ash warmed me up, and Leaf and Serena tore me down. That hurt, alot. Feeling safe, happy and comfortable for a minute then the next your wanting to cry uncontrollably, break down. I did that alot at my old school.

Why am I even upset right now? It was just 2 girls opinions, 2 girls I hardly even knew I thought

Your afraid  A voice in my head answered.

Afraid of what?

That they'll abandoned you, just for what Serena and Leaf say or think. You like Leaf, yet she neglects you, just like your old school did.

I don't want to feel that way anymore.

Then prove it. Become strong, independent, prove to yourself that you only care what your friends and family think; stop being weak.

Im not weak....Im strong and independent! !


Your weak.

Im you, you just called yourself weak, that proves Im right!!

Shut up.

Fine, but just remem-

Phone call phone call, ring ring ring phone call phone--

"Hello?" I answerd. I shook my head, trying to forget what just happened.

"Misty?!? You don't sound sick, are you alright?" I heard my sisters voice.

How did she know I.....?

"Yes Daisy Im fine, just.....drama." I cleared my throat. I know I can't lie to Daisy, over phone or not she can always tell when Im lying.

" you wanna talk about it?" She sounded worried. Just like she did when I left.

"No, im fine."

"Are you sure?" Daisy asked again.



"No, I wanna talk about it" My voice cracked a bit.

"Then talk, Im here for you Mist....but please don't cry."


So I told her. My feelings, my thoughts, my friends, Everything. Starting with when I left Lily and Violet up to now. When I got done I took a breath and sighed. There was nothing but silence over the phone as I waited for Daisy to respond.

"Misty, do you want my advice? Or do you want my thoughs and opinions?"

"Both" I immediately answered.

Daisy would ask that everytime she felt like I was in a big enough dilemma to were she thought I needed it. Otherwise she would just tell me what she thinks I should do, instead of giving me her view of what she thinks. Which most of the time, bad or not, I wanted it anyway.

" far as the whole liking Gary and Ash thing I thi-"

"I don't like Gary! Or Ash...well-"

"Misty, you wanted my help. Now im giving it to you, so listen" Daisys voice was stern as I gave her a 'ok' and let her continue.

"As I was saying....I don't think you really like Gary, but even if you don't like him it sounds to me like he likes you. Now Ash....I think you might be growing very fond of him, like you said it's only been a week and how can you like someone in just one week? Maybe you and Ash are meant to be more, maybe not but that doesn't change the fact that you just met him a week ago and he has a girlfriend. So please don't worry about this love thing to much ok, Mist?"

"Ok, promise! Next....?" I asked wanting more and more of Daisys opinions and thoughts.

"Oh yes! Sorry, now Serena.....honestly I think she's a bitch who needs to get slapped for messing with my little sister!! Espically over a fucking BOY!!! That you met THAT DAY and talk to just for what? Maybe a couple hours and then lunch came? Yah, I don't know her Mist so I can't say much but I can damn well say I don't like her. I want you to stay away from her and closer to May....I think she knows how Serena is from what your telling me..."

"Yeah, your right, I had the same thought too." I told Daisy, remembering May and how she acted around Serena.

"Im glad you met May too!! I knew you two would get along just fine!! Now on to your last problem: Leaf. I can't say much until you answer me this Misty, if Gary would have asked you out what would you say?"

"NO!! Trust me there is NO way I like Gary!! He's a flirt and player and I will only ever see him as a friend!!"

"Does Leaf know that?" Daisy asked me.


"Well then, maybe you should tell her."


"Because she feels threatend Mist...even though I don't know her I do know girls. She probably really likes Gary. How would you like it if your long time crush flirted with a new girl right in front of you?"

"How do you know its a long time crush?" I asked her.

"Think Mist! If you haven't liked a guy for a very long time, and you were only just starting to like him you wouldn't feel the need to yank a girl out of there hands, jealous or not."

"Your right.....Im gonna talk to her right away!! Clear things up..." I said determained

"Misty one more thing!! Your a independent strong girl, start acting like it ok?" Daisy told me, her voice strong yet so.....fragile.

"I promise! Thanks again, I gotta go bye!!" I pressed 'end call' and ran out the door to find Leaf.

I promise Daisy....I will be independent, but only if I have my friends by my side.

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