Chapter 16

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"Misty I honestly think your making a big deal out of nothing."

"Nothing!? You think this is nothing, May!" I growled, letting my frustration out.

"I didn't say that! I said maybe you shouldn't over react and let things fix it self" she snapped back at me.

I sighed, she was right, "She hasn't talked to me all week."

Although I had made up with Leaf last weekend, Dawn didn't make things as easy. Instead, as soon as May, Leaf and I came back to our dorm room we quickly realized most of Dawn's stuff, was gone. After calling Dawn and making sure she was safe, we let it be that she was gonna bunk with Paul for a while.

Through the week Leaf and I became fairly close, letting our thoughts out escalating into any hard feelings ended quickly. I would be lying if I said living together at first wasn't awkward but after getting to know each other more we found out we actually have a lot in common.

That brings us to now, having it be a Thursday night and nothing to talk about, May decided to bring up the most obvious problem, Dawn and I.

"We'll then maybe you should talk to her" Leaf, who had been on her computer, spoke up.

"Easy for you to say" I muttered.

"What's so hard about talking to Dawn, Mist?"

"Leaf, she's been avoiding me for one! She runs away even when I'm in a ten-foot radius from her!"

"Maybe we should trap you two in a room together" Leaf chuckled.

I snorted at her cheesiness. That would be such a weird thing to do considering in the movies it's always a boy and girl they do that too. Then again...if it helps the situation.

Once I started really thinking about it, I perked up at the idea and gave a side glance to May who was grinning ear to ear. Leaf, who noticed our looks stopped typing and gave us a nervous glance, "I was joking."

"We're not" I said.

"Guys! This plan screams 'Bad idea' all over it!"

"Aw, come on Leaf! Live a little! Plus it was your idea" May pointed out.

"A idea that I laughed about! Which should have gave away that I was, you know, joking!" Leaf cried out.

"Leaf, I really want things to be good between me and Dawn again" I sighed.

"But Mist, she should be the one to say sorry first anyway. I don't get why your stressing over this."

"Your right, Leaf, but I forgave her the second she stomped out of Sapphires Cafe-"

"Which still stuns me!" May interrupted me, frowning.

I nodded in understanding and continued, "She needs to be back here though, back home. With her friends and even though our fight was partly my fault, we shouldn't be fighting over something pointless and stupid."

"Ugh. Okay, okay! Fine, I'm in."

"We knew you would crack at some point, Leafy" May laughed.

"Oh shut up, just explain the plan already before I choke you."

And that we did. For the rest of the night we planned everything out.

The plan was simple. Find Dawn, corner her, and make peace with her again. May and Leaf would be back-up, not that I thought I needed it. I knew I could be able to corner her if I tried really hard. Which even I will admit, I haven't.

"You know, you can't really corner her if you do that. She'll just run away" Leaf explained.

"Then how should I do it? No offense, but don't you think it would be better if I just used you and May for back-up?"

Leaf shook her head, "No and here's why...."

Then she went on and continued explaining where I went wrong in my part.

Thinking it over, I realized, she was right. I couldn't approach Dawn like I thought I could. Like Leaf said, she would have just ran away.

And the night went on with that. Leaf explaining ever hitch of the plan she thought could back fire or wouldn't work in any case. I found myself nodding and speaking up when needed. In the end, I knew it would be worth it.

Looking at the clock I stopped and put everything away before going back to my original spot, which was, my bed. Silence had overwhelmed the room as Leaf and May climbed into there own beds.

"So, now that everything is sorted out. Whats the name anyway?" Leaf finally said breaking the silence.

I tilted my head, showing my confusion. I was about to ask what she meant but May beat me too it.

"Name of what?" May asked.

"The name of our plan, duh! We have to have one! All great plans do!"

I laughed, "You watch to much tv, Leaf."

"Aww Mist, I kinda agree with her. Having a name would be cool" May said.

"I guess.."


"Okay then, so who decides the name?"

May looked at Leaf who nodded in agreement then spoke, "We think you should, Mist."


"Yeah! After all, it is your plan!"

You sure are gonna regret letting me choose, girls.

I looked at Leaf and grinned, "Operation: Breaking Dawn."

I laughed as I saw there faces pale.

Oh how I love my friends.


A/N: Hey everyone! ^_^ I know it's incredibly short! I'll try to make the next one longer if possible. And not as cheesy either! Thanks for reading and voting! I love you guys lots until next time! (Which if your curious for the next update look in my last A/N chapter! Bye!

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