Chapter 1

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Authors note: Now finally heres chapter 1 :)

I do not own pokemon!!! If I did Misty and Ash would be married :)

Farm land, hills and streams. That's all there was really, a few Elementary and Middle schools and then my school. Kanto High. There it was.....the huge highschool that I will start living In tomorrow. It was huge, to say the least and that was just the SCHOOL. The dorms were much bigger, on the left was the girls' dorm and on the right was the boy's. I guess the teachers got the dorms in the middle. Cerulean was huge, but not THIS huge. Oh Cerulean. Just thinking about it hurts....that was the highschool that broke me......along with him. Rudy Trevino. The guy I loved.....the guy that broke my heart.

"Misty? What are you doing here? Go away before Zoey comes, we're planning to go on a date" Rudy frowned at me when he opened the door.

"But Rudy Im movin-...."

"Look I know you're moving and I know why your here and I just want to say I love Zoey.....I know how you feel about me and im sorry but I dont feel the same."

"Rudy don't please don't say that...your all I have left....I just came to say-" I sobbed unable to finish my sentence, how could he say those things to me? I just came to say goodbye.

"No Misty you coming was a mistake...wanna know the truth?" Rudy remarked getting angry at me,"Your a loser and I will never like you the only reason Zoey and I hanged out with you was because she felt sorry for you, eh two years of my time wasted" Rudy shouted at me. I stood shocked, how could he not understand? After 2 years how could he say thoughs things to me?

I thought he was my bestfriend....

"Rudy! Just listen!...Please...I just came-"

"Bye Misty" Rudy frowned and closed the door in my face.

It was still hard to think about, I told Daisy but looking back on that it probably wasn't a good idea. She was mad. Beyond that even, saying that if she could she'd kill him with her bare hands. It was nice to see she cared but I didn't want her to hurt him.....after all, I still loved him.

Stuipid, right?

I forced myself to think about it as Daisy drove past Kanto High and to our new home. Tomorrow would be the day I start Kanto High. Honestly though....I was scared. What if no one likes me? What if I get bullied again? What if It's worse there?

Heh. I thought pitifully.

It can't be worse. Nothing can be worse then Cerulean High. Well....if it is I could just stay out of peoples way and keep a low profile.

Yah....keep a low profile....that just might work, I just hope it doesn't have to be like that.

"Scared?" I heard Daisy say as she broke me out of my train of thoughts.

"No..." I say trying to convince Daisy and myself.

"You don't have to be fake around me Mist, ok? If your scared, tell me. I will not judge you, alright?" Wow Daisy never fails to support me all the way,"I love you Mist and I know you'll be fine here. My best friend's daughter goes here and I know you two will be great friends, she's really nice.

Nice? Woah....I never heard Daisy say that back in Cerulean....about anyone, I guess things ARE different at Kanto High.

"Im not scared Daisy.....just nervous... What's her name?" I asked Daisy suddenly intrested in this girl.

"May Maple" Daisy answered. I nodded, making a note of that name in my head.

"Were almost to the new house where Lily, Violet and I will be staying" I raised an eyebrow at her,"Just us and you of course, I promise Misty this time its just the four of us."

I nodded again, understanding what she meant. I didn't really like talking, especially about the past I really just wanted to drop the subject. Get the thoughts out of my head.

"We're here." Daisy says as she parks in front of our new house.

I lift my head up to see are new house only for my eyes to go wide. Its.....beautiful....I can't believe I get to vacation here. My sisters or should I say Daisy has REALLY good taste in houses and I'd say she found a keeper.

I got out of the car to have Violet and Lily tackle me as they pound me with questions about the house and if i like it. I tried to answer as best as I could but stopped when I saw Daisy step in.

"Girls, enough. Misty and I have had a long drive and were tired, Misty can look at the house herself tomorrow before she leaves if she's really curious but right now she's tired so show her to her room and let her rest" Daisy said sternly.

"Yah I guess your right Daisy...Misty has a big day tomorrow, come on Mist I'll show you to your room" Lily offered. I bid Daisy and Violet goodnight as I followed Lily.

They were right. Tomorrow would be a big day.

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