Chapter 5

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A/N: So this chapter Is mainly about what Misty thinks of her new friends and what they are(Trainer,  Coordinator, etc.) and of course their Pokemon too. Hope everyone's liking the story so far!! Chapter 5 enjoy :)

I have now been at Kanto High for a week. It was finally Friday and I was honestly really happy. Everyone was in my last three periods. Wow.....I finally found people who didn't put me down, who actually liked me, and I liked them too. The day was almost over and I was in seventh, a free period, listening to my new friends talk.

"Geuss what girls!! I have great news....Mistys gonna go to the water park with us!" May excitedly said.

Heh. Oh May...of course you would announce that. Techanicly, I didn't say yes exactly. I said maybe....but I guess I have to go now. Eh...I don't mind, it beats sitting in our room all weekend.

"Seriously she said yes?!?! YAY!! It's Sunday, right?"



Heh....Dawn Berlitez. Coordinator, her Pokemon are Piplup, Mamowswin, Pasrichu and Togetic. She's also the girly girl of the group. Bubbly and happy all the time, except when anyone made her mad. She was really easy to talk to and super nice. There was just one thing that made me a little upset when I look at her, her dress. It annoyed me to no end how short is was. I mean honestly, the dress was short, she had no sleeves, but she wears a scarf?!? I had confronted her about it when we were talking and she just laughed and said,"Everyone's different, Misty. It's just my style. Im not a slut, but I do enjoy looking presentable and pretty at all times, even if my dresses are short. It's just who I am and I like it." I dropped the subject after that seeing she had a point, but it still botherd me.

"Who cares? You see Misty everyday."

Paul Shinji. Trainer, his partners are Ursarang, Typhlosion, Houndour, and he wouldn't tell me the last one.He's the cold and emo type. I liked him, he was honest and straightforward. He talked to me once or twice, mostly about battling.He didn't talk to me much after that though. Dawn told me that it's gonna take Paul a while to open up to me and trust is the first thing he looks for in a person, once he felt he could trust someone, he would open up. I didn't mind, I kind of liked his outlook on life. I wouldn't do anything to hurt my new friends or him I just needed him to see that.

"It matters alot!! Mistys are friend  and we want her to go too!!"

May Maple. Coordinator, her Pokemon are Blazikan, Beautifly, Skitty, and Squirtel. The first one I met here at KH(Kanto High). Even though I've only known her for a week I can honestly say, she's amazing. She's caring, smart and totally funny. We chatted all day, everyday, talking about ourselves and our dreams. She's a Coordinator, like Dawn. She told me about Contests and how awesome they were to compete in, but I wasn't interested.  Battling is my passion and it always will be. I wanna be a Water mater, afterall.

"Im with Paul here May, I mean its not like if she stayed here alone it'd be the end of the world."

Drew Hayden. He's a Coordinator, his Pokemon are Rosalia, Masqurin, and Flygon. Smartest in the class, after Paul, and super cocky too. Drew can be cocky but he also has a soft side I've noticed. Reserved for people only in the group. May told me he's like there councillor, if you ever need any advice, Drew is the man to go too. And if you ever need any roses too, I remember May saying. He's also Mays boyfriend. From what he told me they've been dating for Two years and known eachother for Seven.

"Yep, I totally agree with Drew and Paul, it's just a trip."

Leaf Green. Trainer, from what I know she only has Venisaur here on campus. Like Drew, she's the problem solver of the group. Very wise and smart but can be very stubborn when she sets her mind to something. I've talked to her....just not a lot like the rest of the group. One day she opens up to me, and then the next she gives me a cold shoulder. Honestly, I don't think she likes me. I think it's because of what Gary did. She likes Gary, I think.... but I don't know why she hates me. I dont like him.....I wonder if she thinks I do?

"Well I don't, she only knows us! Plus she's in our group now. She stays, we stay, she goes, we go."

Gary Oak. Trainer, his Pokemon are Gyrados, Archanine, Blastoise and Umbreon. The charmer of the group. He's a arragont, cocky flirt that dates girls then dumps them the next day. Thats what he bragged about anyway. I had talked with him throughout the week a bunch. He apologized for what he did and said, and told me he'd like to take me out. Of course I declined, not interested in him like that. Instead we started talking about ourselves, intrests, etc, and we found out we actually have a lot in commen. He has a sister named Daisy, he's a trainer, we both love blue and he we both have my favorite, best pokemon ever: Gyrados.

"Gary's actually right for once, Misty might like it too!! Right Mist?"

And finally Ash Ketchum. He's a Trainer, his Pokemon are Pikachu, Oshawott, Butterfree, Charizard and Pidgeot. Out of all my new friends I spent the week mostly with him, talking about each other mostly our hopes, dreams, etc. He was the bravest in the group, in my opinion. He wasn't scared to stick up for himself and others, but like Leaf, could be VERY stubborn. Serena's very lucky to have someone as brave as Ash. I had thought about him ever since Serena had that 'talk' with me after lunch. I don't know if I like him but I do know I want us to be friends for a very long time.

"Misty?? Are you in there?" Ash snapped me out of my train of thoughts tapping my head repeatedly.

"Oww, Ash! Cut it out!" I said swatting his arm away.

"Well answer me!! What do you think?" Ash asked.

"Think of what?"

"Going on the trip!!"

"Oh, I'm excited. I really didn't want stay here alone..." I smiled. They took me in, it's been a week and I already feel like were family. I will go, for them.

"Awww Misty!" May and Dawn cooed hugging me.

"HA!! IN YOUR FACES!!" Gary shouted at Drew, Paul and Leaf.

"Yoy didn't prove anything Gary" Drew knowingly said. "Just that Misty is excited to go."

"Yeah, but it's still 5 against 3, even if we don't count Misty we still win."

"We weren't paying a game Gary, gosh. We were just saying that it's not that big a deal she's going, we've gone without her before, will survive" Leaf retorted.

"Leaf....that was low" Gary glared at her.

I stood there, sad at what she just said and turned away. She treated me so nicely this week but now....she really does hate me....whatever I did to her. I-I feel sick, I need to leave.

"No Gary, its really isn't that big a deal...Leafs right, y'all have...." I let go of the girls and looked down, trying to hide the tears that were already threatening to come out.

She's treating me.....just like Rudy treated me and everyone at Ceruluen. I can't think about that now though...I have to be strong, but I cant...I have to leave. Now.

"Misty....I was only joking, Im so-"

"No you weren't, and don't apologize. Its don't like me, I get it. Im gonna go tell Mr. Brock I'm not feeling well, see you later at the dorm girl's."

I kept looking down as I walked away, away from the classrom, away from everyone and everything. Just as I'm starting to get back up, I fall back down.

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