Revenge Is Not So Sweet

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I heard shots I got sacred and started to panic.I went to the kids rooms woke them up and to the to the safe room that was in our walk in closest. I put in the combination and the door opened looked like so movie shit. when I walked in I seen soo many gun like he was going to start and army and piles of money everywhere I haven't been in here since he set it up we stepped in and called the dog Kilo that was in the room with me.

I closed the door behind us and turned on the cameras. I seen Midnight layin on the floor then three more guys with rifles walking through the house. Then I seen a body on the floor I thought it was G but I looked on another screen and seen him. He look up at the camera I think he new I was watching so I directed the camera in the direction of the guys and he followed.

He went in the direction and started shooting and the guys shot back he fell for a moment then got back up. I was thinking to myself hope he's ok I started to cry but stayed strong for the kids.












After I shot the dude dead I walked through the house looking for more. I was heated they shot my dog I loved Midnight I had since she was a puppy they was going yo pay. I looked up at the security cameras and I know she was in the safe room with the kids so I text my brother real quick and headed in the direction it was pointing. I seen three more shadows so I started shooting.

When they shot back a body dropped I felt my leg burning and filled with pain and I fell. I quickly got up and moved back . There was two left so I tried to take both of them out. One of them stopped and one was still shooting back.

I couldn't get a shot off the dude but the other one came out the blue was shooting in the different direction. I was thinking If I die I'm going out like a G bitch my name is G fuck they gone have to come get me. Before that I texted my brothers letting them know what was going on he just said on the way. So I had to hold shit down by myself it was cool doe caused I can hold my on but then again I'm out numbered.

I was worried about myself and my girl seeing me die but I had stay focused. I reach in I hidden compartment and got a Ak47 and some clips because the AR wen dry on me I made sure I stashed guns all over the house just in case shit like this would happen. Shots keep going off they was really trying to take me out, Jesus take the wheel.












We dropped Chris off and we headed to my house to drop me off or kick it I dont know really. Then I got a text

Gino: Aye niggas trying to get at me

Me: On the way

"AYE NIGGAS AT G BRA LET GET THERE!!!!!!!!!!" I tell Lil Oz

We uturned headed that way doin about a buck all the way there. I was mad my niece, nephew, and my sis in there if they hurt them I would kill they whole family it kept making me even more mad. I cocked the pistol back putting one in the chamber I was going to hurt someone I was going to kill somebody fuck em. We got to Gino place the lights was cut off and you could see flashing lights going on inside I jumped out before Lil Oz put the car in park.

I kicked the door in, I heard a gun go off and seen the flash. I let the automatic glock 18 with the 32 round extended clip go in the direction.

"G, G, G, Gino!!!!!!" I called out looking for a response

"Yo go through the living room" he responded back

I sighed not that mad anymore I headed that way and seen a glimpse of him trying to take cover behind the wall. Lil Oz came out the blue with the UZI ripping and I added to it. The guy came out shooting in our direction and he got hit from Gino direction and we took advantage of it lighting his ass up  like the 4th of July . Dude dropped I heard somebody try to catch some air so I walked in that direction. The dude I shot coming into the house was hanging in for dear life.

"Who sent you nigga" I asked dude

"King James bitch" he said low voice

Before left the earth I told him " Guess Revenge Is Not So Sweet"

and let the rest of the clip go we at niggas family now fuck and feed em beans they dead to me.

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