See you soon

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      "Mommy don't leave me!" You cry as you cling to your mother.

Your mother smiled lightly down at you, tears brimming her eyes, "My sweet snowflake, I love you very much.." She assured you softly. Tears streamed down your little face as they blurred your vision. You hugged her as the monitor next to you stopped beeping, slowing to a long, continuous sound. Your mothers hand fell limp from holding you and onto the bed as doctors started rushing into the room. They pushed you back despite your cries for your mother and witnessed them pushing down at her chest. What were they doing!

Your little figure tried to get past the doctors but nothing worked. You cried as loud as you could,



You sat bolt upright in bed, panting deep breaths as you drew your hair back with your fingers. You looked around your room, your eyes squinting to the blinding light pouring from your window as you heaved a sigh. You hated having these dreams play over and over again every night. They were memories... You shook off the feeling as you grunted in annoyance from the light seeping into the room, trying to pull the covers over your head to go back to sleep. That is, until you felt a cold breeze drift into your room and into your blankets as you shivered slightly. You pop your head out of the covers to see your window open and you cocked an eyebrow. You didn't remember opening your window last night.

     You brush the subject aside as you stretch and yawn for a few seconds before getting out of bed, trudging over to the window. You were about to close it when your eyes widened in surprise. It has snowed last night!

    You look down as piles of snow that lay in the front yard and the icicles that hung from the mailbox out front. Your (still opened) window was covered in a pattern of frost as you gazed at it in awe. This was the only thing that made you happy; Winter.

     You've lived alone in your house since you were 13 years old. You were now 16. Your mother had passed away when you were 9, and your dad vanished before that. Your aunt and uncle took you in, but they soon gave you up for acting 'weird', which isn't right at all because who would blame you after you've just lost your mom? So you've just lived alone without anyone knowing. You don't go to school anymore, since you dropped out in order to work to get money and pay for the house, but you knew enough to speak grammatically correct, so that was good enough. The government soon found out about your mom's passing and you no longer had to work because they sent you money monthly. (idk why they didn't take you, just roll with it XD)

You shut your window rather harshly after swearing at yourself for bringing back the memories, but quickly recovered. You locked your window, and looked outside again. It was nice, quiet, and cold outside, so you weren't going to be sad today. Today was special. You quickly strip from your pajamas and change into a pair of light blue jeans, and slip on a white fluffy sweater. You didn't put on a coat, since the sweater was enough to keep you warm, but you put on a dark blue scarf, and a white beanie just in case. You put on some laced ankle boots and brushed out your long brown hair. You walked downstairs and shut the door behind you as you started walking down the white covered street. There were no cars in sight, since you lived in small and quiet neighborhood, so you were grateful for the wide, empty cold street.

You walked in silence, the only noise was your boots crunching in the snow. You let out a sigh, watching a puffy cloud of winter air escaping your lips, and you smiled slightly. You let the cold send a shiver down your spine as you attempted to smile happily, but it failed, as it was a sad smile. Your mom used to love the snow and winter. She would tell you stories of Santa Claus, The Sandman, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, and Jack Frost. They were called the Guardians. You used to love those stories so much, but it just confused you even more. Even after your mom's death, you thought you would see the Guardians in the night sky, flying with golden sand, reindeer, fairies and frost, but you shook it off. People always said you had a creative imagination anyway.

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now