What to do

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~*~ Jack POV
I stood in front of the globe with the other Guardians. We were contemplating the giant sphere, staring at the flickering lights that represented our believers while Y/n slept in the other room. I felt bad for her. First the whole dad situation, then piling all this stress on her, then with how embarrassed she was with me earlier.. she's exhausted. It's been about a week since Y/n had been staying at the Pole. The Guardians has stated that Y/n and I have become.. flirty friends, but I deny it every time, even if I might believe it myself. I flicked my gaze at the Guardians, returning to the conversation.

"Look how fast they're going out.." Tooth breathed, almost afraid to say it.

"It's all happening faster than last time," Bunny muttered.

"He's using fear, just like last time," North said, rubbing his temples in annoyance. I had to admit, we were all sick of Pitch, but we couldn't touch him so much as he's related to Y/n, and as much as I wanted to harm him for what he's done.

"No.." I mumbled and flew up to the globe, staring at the flickering lights that flashed back at me. "He's using something stronger.. the problem is that I don't know what it could be,"

"What are we going to do?" Tooth scattered her words. Her eyes showed complete fear, "Pitch is stronger, and we almost lost last time. If he keeps this up we may actually.." she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Lose," Bunny finished the sentence. We were all huddled in a group, silent.

"We can't harm Pitch because he is related to Y/n.. so we have to think of something else.." North stated.

"Well last time we used Jack's center," Bunny suggested.

I shook my head, "Pitch is used to my powers, he can defeat them easily..."

"Guys, lets not get too worked up. We haven't fought Pitch yet, maybe he's not As stronger as we think he is.." Tooth fluttered her wings in hope.

North paced around quickly, but stopped and spun on us, "Idea! What if we used Y/n to defeat Pitch?"

Tooth's eyes widened, Bunny's mouth just gaped open, Sandy started throwing symbols in the air, protesting his statement, and I frowned.

Tooth's eyes widened as she threw her arms in the air in disbelief, "What?!"

"I agree with her, North, that's going a little far," Bunny crossed his arms.

"Think about it!" North defended, "Pitch is stronger, and can probably defeat all of us easily this time. Y/n won't let us harm him because he is father! Didn't you see Pitch? He vanished the second he saw Y/n! If we use Y/n against Pitch, he could surrender!"

"Even so North, that's ridiculous!" I said, trying to put the right words in, "Y/n is not only our friend but she's also our believer! She trusts us with everything she has, we are all she has right now,"

"Jack's right. We can't take advantage of her like that," Tooth reasoned. The others nodded and North sighed,

"What other choice do we have, Guardians? We are out of options."

The room grew silent, and we contemplated on what to do.


    Bunny started, but we immediately turned to the other room with our weapons when we heard Y/n scream. We turned and ran, our weapons out as we burst through the doors.

   I was the first to enter the room.

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