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Another meme. The guardians as Vines:
Jack: *chasing Bunny with something small and sharp*
North: Jack let me see what you have!
Jack: *holds up* A KNIFE!!
North: NO!!
Enjoy the chapter!

~*~ Your POV
You sat with Jack for a while, explaining what happened between when you left and when Jack found you. Jack listened quietly without saying anything. Your tears dried ten minutes ago, and you seemed to regain yourself completely since Jack found you. It was like you were a whole different person.

   You sighed, "And then you found me, and I just.." You trailed off. You looked back up at him. "Jack, I didn't mean to run away the other day, I just didn't know how to cope with everything.."

  Jack shook his head, "It's oaky, Y/n. It's not your fault, it's mine. I got worried and upset because I thought you were hurt, and I thought no where was safe for you.. I thought you were hurt and I just couldn't think properly," He explained.

   You nodded, and he continued, "You can still stay at the Pole if you'd like.. You'll have us to be there with you. I stay there in the meantime and North won't mind at all. They want you to go back. I know you don't really like it, but..."

  You cut him off, "Are you kidding me, I love the pole!" You exclaimed, "It's so lively and cheery and the yetis and elves are awesome! I can help North with Christmas and-and it smells like Cinamon pine cones and peppermints and-" You blabbered on about how amazing the pole was as Jack chuckled to you and stared, smirking.

   You stopped and smiled at him and said slowly, "It's home."

   You and Jack smiled at each other and it soon became an awkward silence.

   "Well.." you started but Jack quickly cut you off,

   "Stay with me," he said quietly and quickly. You were silent and you blinked,

  "What?" You questioned, curious of what he meant.

    Jack was silent for a moment before sighing, "Y/n I like you." He stated. You blushed deeply at him.

   "Jack-" you said but he cut off once more,

   "I have feelings for you and I can't help but feel like we're connected somehow.. I love you, Y/n, and I've been in love with you since that night on the couch.."

You thought of that night. It was the same night you developed feelings for him, too. When you cuddled up at night by the fire and you lay in his lap..

  Your faces were mere inches from each other as your breaths mingled. You stared at him, blushing. Your heart raced. He did like you! It was too good to be true until your heart sank at one thought.

   "Jack.. I'm human.." you mumbled to him. His face dropped as you continued, "I'm human and you're a spirit.. it would never work,"

   "It can! I can try to-" he tried to explain.

   "Jack you're immortal. I. Am. Human," you reasoned.

"Stop." He stated, but you pushed.

  "I'm going to grow old and eventually die,"


  "And you're going to stay the same age forever,"


  "We can't-"

"STOP!" He yelled, and you sat there, silent. You stared at him with sympathy as he ruffled his hair.

  You saw slight tears in his eyes as he said,

   "I can't lose you, Y/n.." he mumbled. His hands stroked your cheek, "You are.. so beautiful, and sweet.. your personality lights up the entire Workshop! You always know how to cheer people up.. I can't live without it.. I can't lose you.."

   A few tears slipped by and you held his arms, "Jack.. death is a natural part of life for me. It's going to happen and you can't stop it, no matter how hard you try.."

   A few moments went by before you sighed, "We should get back to the kids.. they'll probably wake up,"

   You stood up from the log, but Jack's hand still gripped your arm,

   He looked at you as you returned his gaze, "Just one kiss," he asked. You stared for a moment.

  You slowly sat back down and leaned in to Jack. You stared at each other, your eyes mixing with multiple emotions running through at once.

   Your lips lightly brushed his, but sunk deeper into a passionate kiss and he returned the kiss. Tears slipped from your eyes as you closed them, and you hugged Jack as you did so.

   Moments went by of just sitting there kissing, before you stopped to take a breath.. you looked to the ground, and took in a shaky breath,

   "We need to get back now.." you mumbled. Jack nodded and stood up, "Thank you.." you added.

   You ran your fingers through your hair and tu both made your way back to the house. Your thoughts whirled and your mind seemed to malfunction as you blinked and frowned at yourself.

It can't work. You thought, It just.. can't.

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now