Pillow Fights

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Here's another meme for you guys:
Pitch: *kidnaps Tooth fairies and teeth*
Pitch: *ruins easter*
Pitch: *Kills Sandman*
Pitch: *Frames Jack*
Pitch: Join me, Jack.
Jack: No
Pitch: *offended Emo noises*

    Okay, enjoy! Lol

   ~*~ Your POV
You walked over to the Bennett house as you saw no one in the yard. That was strange. Jamie and Sophie were usually always outside playing. You hesitated as you approached the door. Would they let me stay? It's only for the night, after all.. or more.

    You slowly pressed the doorbell of the house, and you heard thumping around.

   "I got it mom!" You heard Jamie call, along with Sophie giggling. You smiled to yourself.

   "No Jamie, it might be a stranger!" His mom called back. Ms. Bennett opened the door just as Jamie was about to, and you smiled sweetly at them.

    "Hi guys!" You greeted quietly.

  "Y/n! We haven't seen you in forever!!" Jamie exclaimed, "Where were you?!"

   A light chuckle came from you, "I was visiting family, is all.." you lied. You'd tell him the truth later. You wanted to tell him everything. But you weren't sure if he'd believe you or think you're crazy.

   "Do you need anything sweetie?" Ms. Bennett questioned.

   You rubbed your arm. You were suddenly nervous, "Well, uh.. actually I do.."

    After making up a story about family issues and whatnot, which technically was true, you asked if you could stay at their house for the night.

   Ms. Bennett smiled, "Well of course! You can stay as long as you'd like, you're always welcome! Come inside, it sure is cold out and you don't even have a jacket!"

   You thanked her greatly as you stepped into the home. It smelled of cinnamon pine cones and other homely scents.. like the North Pole..

     "I'm also sorry about your family situation.. just know there's always a spot here in the Bennett house!" Jamie's mom continued.

  "I really can't thank you enough, this means a lot," you thanked once more.

    Ms. Bennett chuckled, "It's really fine! You're in luck, too. I was trying to find a babysitter for tonight, I'm going out with a few friends. Would you mind babysitting for tonight? I'm leaving in about five minutes, actually,"

   You waved it off, "I'd love to! I haven't hung out with Jam in a while, anyway,"

   "It's Jamie!" Jamie corrected. He hated it when you called him Jam. It made you laugh.

   Ms. Bennett smiled, "Great! Then I'll order some pizza and drinks for you all! I wont be back until the morning, so thank you again!"

  "It's my pleasure," you reassured.

   A few minutes went by. You waved Ms. Bennett goodbye as she drove off, and you got the pizza and drinks, and now you were sitting on the couch with Jamie and Sophie watching a movie.

    It was called Rise of the Guardians.

  You watched as the characters were all too familiar; Tooth, Bunny, Sandy, North and Jack. Even Pitch. They looked the same as the movie's, although they weren't cartoons. It made you feel even more guilty.

   "Hey Jamie.." you mumbled.

   He looked up, "Yeah, what is it Y/n?"

    "Is this movie based on true evens?" You asked, grabbing the DVD case and reading the back.

   "Well the movie producers say it's not, but it really is. I was there when it happened!"

  "You were with the guardians?" You asked.

   He nodded, his hair dangling slightly.

   You looked back at the movie. It was a scene where Jack was at Antarctica with Pitch, fighting. Jack suddenly got hit after giving up his staff, and got sent flying to the wall and fell. Your heart raced.

   This happened to him?

Sandy died?!

   Bunny lost Easter? 

  Tooth lost her teeth?

  They lost everything?

  "Jamie," you said again. He looked at you, "Remember that day I took you to the lake, and you were talking about Jack Frost..?"

   Jamie crossed his arms and smirked at you, "You believe in them dont you?"

   You hesitated, but nodded. Jamie lit up with joy, "I knew it I knew it I knew it!!"

  You chuckled as you settled him down, "Jamie it's not that simple.. there's danger.."

    Jamie finally stopped and frowned, "Is pitch back?"

   You nodded, "What I told your mother was a lie. I wasn't with family.. I was with the Guardians and I did a terrible thing,"

    You took a deep breath and told him everything. You didn't know why you were telling a 12 year old about this, but Jamie was different. He was a great kid and seemed to believe every second of it. He was a believer to the core. You told him everything you knew, about Pitch being your father, about how he's back and even stronger than before.. about Jack..

    "-And I don't know why I ran away..  I really didn't mean to," you finished.

   "Well you were upset Y/n. You care about them, you care about Jack.. do you like Jack?" He asked.

   "Well of course I like Jack! He's my friend!" You responded and he giggled.

  "No, Y/n, do you like like Jack," he questioned. He raised an eyebrow and had a hint in his voice, his big brown eyes gazing at you. You blushed, and sighed,

   "Yes, Jamie! I do! Are you happy now?!" You answered finally.

    Jamie giggled, "You like Jack Frost!" He taunted. He and Sophie then started singing the classic crush song. "Y/N and Jack sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

   "Okay, Jamie," you laughed but blushed, "That's enough now. I have a pillow and I'm not afraid to use it!"

   "Bring it on Lover Girl!" Jamie teased. You all then began to have a pillow fight, but with both Sophie and Jamie against you, they beat you easily as they piled on top of you.

   "Nooo!" You yelled, bringing a hand up to the air, "You've defeated the Queen!"

  You then faked your own death as Jamie and Sophie laughed. You chuckled as they got off of you and you all soon calmed down as you finished watching the movie again.

   The kids fell asleep pretty fast. You tucked Sophie into her bed, but let Jamie sleep on the couch. It was really hot in the house so you went outside, shutting the door and standing the yard. You looked up at the moon, enjoying the silence.

    You looked to your left as you heard bushes rustling. They stopped and when you looked through them, there was nothing. You blinked and shook your head. It was most likely nothing.

   But you started to hear rustling, just beyond the trees. The forest was next to the house, so you figured it wouldn't hurt just to look. You entered the forest slowly, the rustling getting louder. You picked up a branch and pushed back the bush only to reveal a little rabbit.

   You sighed, "only just a bunny," you told yourself.

  You whirled around to go back to the house when Black sand formed around you.

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