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Before you read the chapter I found a meme:
Bunny: Hey I'm going to the store anybody want anything?
Jack, a teenager in sync with Gen Z humor and memes: A will to live
The Guardians, some concerned adults: ...
Jack: ..
The Guardians: .. Aye, You good?

   Okay that's all, enjoy!

~*~ Your POV
   All was silent.

  Your vision blurred as you rolled onto your back and looked up and around you. You saw blurs of figures standing over you.

   You heard high pitched ringing in both of your ears as you could barely make out what they were saying. It was all muffled speaking to you.

   In the speed of a few seconds, your vision cleared to reveal the Guardians looking over you, and your ears drilled back to their regular hearing. You shook your head, suddenly remembering what had happened.

   "Ugh," You groaned.

   "Y/n are you alright?" tooth questioned softly. Her small hand lay on your shoulder in support. Your head lay in Jack's lap.

   You nodded, "I think so.. what happened? I feel fine.." You asked, wondering what happened after what you did.

   Jack didn't say anything but just stared at you. North answered instead,

    "Pitch was about to hit Jack, but.. you jumped in the way and got hit instead.." he explained quietly.

   You sucked in a breath and sat up as you looked at Jack. He looked away from you, biting his lip. That wasn't a good sign. You knew whenever he was mad or upset, he bit his lip.

   "Jack.." you started, but he stood up slowly and started walking away. "Jack!" You repeated. He stopped and stood still for a moment, facing away from you all. You stood up along with the Guardians, staring at the back of Jack's head.

    Bunny put a paw on your shoulder, "Just let him go, mate. He needs to cool down,"

   You ignored Bunny politely and stepped forward, "Jack.. what's wrong?" You walked up to him and touched his shoulder gently, but he whirled on you, causing you to step back in shock.

   "'What's wrong'? What do you think is wrong?" He demanded. You awaited his answer as he sighed angrily, "I told you to get away from the fight, and then you get hit!"

   You frowned slightly, "I was trying to protect you-"

   "I was fine. I'm a spirit, I would have been fine! You are human, you could've gotten seriously hurt!"

     The Guardians watched in silence as you spoke.

    "Jack, I'm no spirit, but I know you would've gotten hurt. It doesn't matter if I got hurt, what mattered at the moment was that none of you got hurt.." you mumbled. Jack just looked at you. You grabbed his hand and stared at him, "Jack.. you guys are so much more important than me.. you protect childhood, if you got hurt you could've compromised that.."

    "That's the point, Y/n," he said quietly. "I am a Guardian. I protect childhood. You are one of our believers, I was supposed to protect you."

    Moments went by before Jack just sighed and walked past you and back to the Guardians.

    "I think you should go home, Y/n.. it's too dangerous now," Jack stated. Your heart raced as your eyes flashed with pain.

   "B-But I can't-" you tried to explain, "I have nowhere to go!"

   "Y/n's right, mate. She has nowhere to go. And she was staying here at the pole until now," Bunny agreed.

  "And she will continue to stay here!" North commanded. His expression softened, "Jack, you're just upset.. what matters is that she's okay,"

   "If she hadn't have left that room, we wouldn't have lost Pitch. He's probably stronger than ever now." Jack reasoned.

   The guardians contemplated over this. Tears formed but before you could let the Guardians see you crying, which failed, you quickly snatched a snow globe from the table next to you.

   "Y/n!" North yelled. You turned and ran as fast as you could and they ran after you. The tears flew down your face and you jumped over the railings, doing flips over everything to avoid being caught by the Guardians.

  They didn't want you here. You felt like such a failure.

   This was your fault.

  You looked behind to see everyone catching up on you, Jack and Tooth flying and North and Bunny running. They were fast.

   "Y/n come back!" Jack yelled after you.

   You quickly whispered a location into the snow globe. The location reflected back in the orb and you threw it to the ground. The portal opened and just before Jack could reach you, you jumped through, closing off the portal.

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now