Who is this Man?

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"I don't love you," he stated with a clear voice. His expression remained calm. No emotion. No care in the world.

   Tears glinted in your eyes, but you didn't let them fall. No. Not to this man. You glared with hate and sadness as you choked in your words,

"Then why do you bother talking to me?"

   ~*~ Your POV
  You stared at the man that you once called your father as he glanced at you with no emotion. Who was this man? You were almost too afraid to find out.

   "Answer!" You snapped. You were tired of waiting. Tired of yourself being the one to wait.

    Pitch smiled, making your heart leap with fear. What kind of situation was this to smile?!

   "You see, daughter mine.. now that I've told you the truth, I have no reason to hold on any longer,"

     "What are you talking about?" You growled. He chuckled,

    "I need you for a very important situation. I need you to help me,"

    You snarled, "Why would I do that? You've ruined my life and now you expect me to just help you?!"

   Pitch chuckled, vanishing into the shadows, "Oh, Y/n, how scared you are.."

    "I'm not scared! I'm not scared of anything!" You yelled, your snark echoing off the walls.

    He laughed, "I'm the Nightmare King, I know everyone's fears.. you're scared.. you're scared of feeling, since you had no family."

    Who was this man?!! Your eyes flashed with solid fear as you wanted to run through the door for the Guardians to protect you. You felt like a coward..

    Pitch only repeated what you thought,

    "You want to run away.. to escape your problems and fears, but you're afraid of what will happen in exchange for that," he mocked.

    Pitch appeared behind you and you whirled on him, backing away from him. He only grinned, holding out a hand and making you freeze in place.

  "You could join me, Y/n. We could rule together beside each other. I can give you a wonderful life where everything is-"

    "Pitch Black?" You demanded as you finished his sentence. He nodded but motioned to you,

   "And Y/n. You would have purpose! I can give you purpose for life, where everyone would believe!"

   "Do you ever listen to yourself?! Are you demented?!" You demanded further, "First you tell me you never loved me or my mother, then you ask me to join you to destroy Childhood! I'm human, I don't need people believing in me!"

   "But you want Jack to believe in you," He interrupted. You froze, and noticing this, he laughed, "Dont think no one has noticed, Y/n! All your problems, and you worry about if poor Jack will be alright in the end,"

    You glared with nothing but fear and hatred, "Of course I do! He's my friend! I would want the same for anyone else!"

    "Well all you could do is join me, and I can guarantee you that the Guardians would be fine," Pitch offered.

    You looked at him, "We can protect each other. I don't want anything to do with the likes of you. You're no father. You're a monster, and it's a shame if ever thought of you as anything but that," you spat, trembling as you did so. You cursed at yourself for being such a coward.

     Pitch suddenly frowned as the creepy as hell smile disappeared.

   "Fine have it that way."

    Suddenly black sand swirled around you and it was thrown your way. It struck you and you screamed in pain as you fell down. The Guardians burst through the door in a second. Upon seeing what just happened, the Guardians were once again in fighting positions. Jack helped you up as you sucked in a breath.

   "You okay?" He asked. You nodded. The pain, surprisingly, actually went away pretty fast.

    You stepped back as Pitch stepped forward, "Dont come any closer!! Get away from me!" You screeched. Jack pushed you behind him as he readied his staff.

    "I take it the talk didn't go so well?" Bunny mumbled next to you. You shared a glare with him and he chuckled, "it's alright, mate, we'll protect ya, we'll deal with him."

  The other Guardians shared nods and hums that represented that they agreed. Pitch only laughed and formed multiple nightmares.

    "Phil, take Y/n away!" Jack demanded. "I can't have her getting hurt!"

   In an instant you were picked up and thrown over Phil's shoulder. You kicked and hit Phil, which didn't faze him one bit,

   "Let me go! I can't let them get hurt! Stop!" You yelled as Phil took you away. The last thing you saw before Phil took you away from the Workshop was Jack looking back at you with an encouraged smile, then looking back to Pitch as the battle had begun.

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