They're Real!

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   Jack POV

  I flew over to North's workshop as the Northern Lights shone in the sky. We haven't been called to his workshop in a few years, but I still like to hang around all the time.

But the other Guardians say North never calls us together unless it's something very serious, and they're normally decades, or even centuries, apart. So for North to call us here just after a few years, it must not be good.

I fly through the window bringing a cold gust of wind and frost into the room, causing the guardians to shiver, and the Easter Kangaroo to send a glare my way. I just laughed it off. Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny were here while North's as asking anyone if they wanted eggnog, which no one wanted.

"North please tell me this is an important case. We just got done fighting Pitch, so it better be good!" Bunny complained, throwing his boomerangs around to distract himself.

"This is very serious!" He yelled, his Russian accent protruding more than usual, "This is situation that could end my life!"

     The guardians grew silent, not even the sound of a pin drop could be heard. North drew in a breath shakily.

    "......We're out of cookie batter,"

I erupted with laughter the second the room went into chaos. Tooth scoffed and went back to work with her fairies around the shop, sandy throwing signs into the air (that no one knew what they meant) because he got his work disrupted, and Bunny rolled his eyes with annoyance and anger, starting to paint an egg again. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

    "North you said this was serious!" Bunny growled.

"This is serious! You don't think this is dangerous? It's a potential threat to my stomach!" He defended.

I chuckled as the two male guardians fought. North frowned,

"We'll have to get more! There's no ingredients here and Elves can't focus! We go to store to get some!" He decided.

"North, that would be considered stealing since we're not paying for it, and since no one but children can see us, we'd be committing a crime." I state.

    "You stole your hoodie!" He defended. I didn't say anything, as he had a point there.

    "North.." Tooth warned and North grunted And put his hands in the air as a gesture,

   "Fine! Can any of our believers go to the store?" He asked.

    Tooth rolled her eyes, "They're children what do you think? Of course they can't! They don't have any money, and that's a responsibility for older people!"

     I thought about any of my believers. I mostly thought of Jamie and his friends because they live in burgess and I know the area best. But they're children so they can't go to the store, and I didn't have any believers that are teenagers or my age. Wait...

    "Hey North!" I called over to him. All the guardians turned to me. "I have a believer that can get you your cookie batter,"

    "Well how old is this believer? We can't have children going into stores by themselves!"

     "I think she's 16 or 17, around that age. Didn't ask about the age, it's a long story," I answer.

     "Now's not the time for strange questions, the fate of my stomach is in danger! What's her name?" He demanded. I smiled at them,

    "Y/n... Her name is Y/n,"

   ~*~  Your POV
You flutter your eyes open in tiredness. You look around and realize it's still dark in your room and outside, and looking at your alarm clock, you were surprised when it read 1:36AM. You stared at the ceiling in complete darkness until you realized there was shuffling throughout the room and you heard whispers. Your heart rate immediately sped up as you listened to the whispers. They seemed to belong to a Russian accent and an Australian accent, occasionally I would hear a female.

"Aren't you going to wake her up?" The Russian accent asked.

"You're the one so desperate for this, you do it!" The Australian bellowed quietly. Your heart throbbed. You didn't have any weapons in your room, and there was obviously a group of people standing around you. You tried to smother the anxiety mounting in your chest as you continued to tune in.

"Well.." the Russian stuttered, "I've never dealt with teenager! Tooth, you do it!"

A girl grunted, "She's probably just like a child, considering she believes in Jack. She probably doesn't believe in us, just Jack! Jack, you wake her."

Jack? What?! Did he break into my house with people?! Maybe it's a different guy..

The group soon began arguing rather loudly on who should 'wake' you up. You sat up quietly and grabbed a flashlight next to your nightstand. In the flash of an instant you flipped the switch on and the group froze and faced you with wide expressions as you stared at them.

Your horrified expression only grew as You flicked your gaze at each person, or being, You should say, and you stopped at a very familiar person.

"Jack.. who are these people?!" You asked quietly. You weren't as scared now that you saw Jack, since you knew him.

Jack sighed and motioned to the group, "The Guardians." He introduced, "the ones we were talking about earlier, Y/N,"

You stared at the group: The big Russian man, you assumed Santa, the little golden man who was absolutely adorable, You assume was Sandman, the Giant Kangaroo.. who was that? The bird-girl was probably the Tooth Fairy, and You knew Jack.

"The.. Guardians..?" You breathed.

"Told you they were real," Jack gloated. A smile spread to your lips as you sighed of relief and looked up at them all.

"You are all real.." you mumbled. They just looked at you, confused. You thought of your mom reading the stories of them to you and smiled more, "You're real."

A moment of silence grew before Jack stepped forward, "Y/N, we need your help." He said seriously.

Your expression dropped slightly as you cocked your head in confusion,

"What's wrong? Is there danger or something?" You asked.

The Guardians were silent as Jack's expression seemed to be of disbelief as he blinked. "No.." he started but Santa cut him off.

"YES!" Santa bellowed, "I am in danger!! Why are you all ignoring this fact?!"

Your heart seemed to skip a beat before Jack turned back to you, "He needs cookie batter."

You faced him with confusion, "That's why you came here?"

The Kangaroo hopped over to you, "North says it's critical to get cookie batter because his belly is in danger."

"You've been in situation! My belly is always right!" North, I guess that's his name, yelled, but calmed down.

North turned to you, "Y/N, May I call You that?" He asked. You nodded and he continued, "Great! Y/N, will you take us to store so we can get batter?"

You raised an eyebrow, "Sure..? If that's all you wanted then you should've just said so. Although we'd have to go to another store because it's late out. Not many stores are open at these hours," you explained. Everyone nodded. You quickly dressed in your bathroom into the same outfit you had on earlier and you put your hair into a messy bun. You grabbed your wallet as you and the Guardians exited the house.

You blinked a few times on the way to store. You were going to the store with mythical beings..

How insane am I becoming?

You chuckled and smiled, looking at the stars littering the sky.

See mom? They're real.

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now