North Pole!

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~*~ Your POV
  "Y/n.." you heard. A very faint call. It got progressively louder until you heard soft nudges, "Y/n."

   You opened your eyes slowly to see ice blue eyes staring down at you and the Guardians huddled around you. You looked around  to see we were right in the snow where you all left off before you passed out.

   "What happened?" You asked groggily.

  "You fainted!" Tooth said, "Right then and there! You also said something about your.. dad?"

    The memories started flooding your mind as you remembered what had happened.

  "Where is he?!" You suddenly demanded, sitting right up. You thrashed around in an attempt to look around, but Jack held you back and tried to calm you down.

   "Y/N, he's gone! He's gone! It's okay!" Jack reassured. "He left as soon as he saw you.. it's okay.."

    You sat back as tears brimmed your eyes, "No it's not.. it was him.. I saw him.."

    "What? What's going on?" Bunny asked.

   "That man.. he was my father.."

    North bent down on one knee to your level, "that man was Pitch Black.." north said quietly and carefully.

   Your eyes widened, "Pitch Black.. the nightmare king?"

   The Guardians nodded.

   "My dad is the boogeyman?" You repeated and they nodded again.

   "Well maybe it wasn't! Maybe he just looked like him-" tooth tried to reason but you shook your head.

   "No, it was my father. I recognised him.. he even said my name!" You reasoned back.

   "If Pitch is your father.. what does this mean?" Bunny asked, turning to North.

   "I don't know.. I didn't know Pitch had a daughter.." he responded, "we'll have to ask Man In Moon,"

    "Y/N.." tooth said softly, "You understand he's our enemy, right?"

   You wiped away the tears, "How? He just gives out nightmares right? That doesn't do any harm.."

    "Snowflake, he tried to get rid of everything involving childhood.." Jack stated. "He even killed Sandy.."

   You looked to Sandy, who looked sad. You sighed and breathed in,

   "I understand he's your enemy.. but.. the father I remember was different.." you said.

   "What do you mean? Wasn't Pitch always evil?" Tooth questioned. You shook his head.

  "Not that I remember. He might've been, I'm not sure, but when he was around, he was always so gentle and protective. He used to tell me about you guys.. the Guardians.. He would tell me sweet dreams before I fell asleep.. he would always smile and hug me so tight.. he told me that you all would protect me through everything and he wouldn't let anything happen to me.." you explained.

   The Guardians looked shocked, "I didn't know Pitch could feel that way.. Hes always been mean and hateful.. no offense Y/N.." Bunny stated.

   You brushed it off, "It's fine. I just don't know how or why he would turn evil,"

"You don't seem super dazed by this.. how are you handling all the information?" Jack asked.

Your eyes softened, "I'm fine. It's just a little shocking to see him after all these years.. he looks very different too.. he looks darker.. his skin is a dark grey now but he kept his awful looking dress," You joked. The Guardians laughed.

"Well it looks like you can't stay home right now, since Pitch is back. I understand he's your father but he may have changed since our last battle, and if he's still like that he may get to you and put a wrong influence on you," North explained.

You only nodded, "So where will I stay? I have no where to go.."

"At the Pole, of course!" He bellowed.

Your mouth gaped open, "I've never been there..! Are you sure I'm welcome? I'm not a spirit or anything!" You protest.

North waved a hand, "Bah! It's fine! You get along with yetis and elves fine!"

You smiled excitedly and stood up, but your knees buckled slightly and Jack caught you,

"You okay, snowflake?" He asked softly. You looked into his wondering gaze and blushed. You got up and nodded,

"I'm fine, thanks.." you mumbled, and the Guardians grinned.

"So everyone. Let's grab our items and go back!" North stated.

They all grabbed their items that you bought for them, and North threw a snow globe onto the ground, revealing a portal. Bunny, instead, took his tunnel and everyone else jumped through, including you. Your stomach felt fluttery until you felt yourself on the ground of the Workshop. Your eyes widened in awe.

The Guardians grinned at your expression and North dusted his hands off and raised his arms in the air and yelled excitedly,

"Welcome to the North Pole!!"

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now