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~*~ Jack POV
I held her hand quietly,

"I love you," I stated. I held her hand softly. Her hand was no longer warm, but it was cold, like mine.

"Jack," Tooth said. Her voice was full of sympathy as she fluttered over to me quietly. Instead of taking me away, she put a small hand on my shoulder in support. North did the same on my other shoulder, and Bunny stood behind me and sandy next to me. They felt just as much grief as I did.

"We've lost family today.." North said, grief in his voice. He continued as I clutched Y/n's small hand, "We are Guardians; we are destined to protect our believers.. But even we cannot save every child.. But still.."

He looked to everyone and looked back at Y/n, a single tear sliding down his cheek. I've never seen North cry. Ever. He sighed, "But still.. It never hurts any less,"

The silence in the room was full of understanding. Our centers balanced in the room; Hope, Wonder, Dreams, Fun, and Memories. They swirled together in care, and I felt assured.

"You're in a better place, snowflake," I said to Y/n.

But suddenly, a gust of wind formed around us. The wind turned into a small fall breeze, and leaves of orange, brown and yellow swirled around. Where did they come from? A light formed on Y/n'a chest, and we all looked at it. The light was the shape of a fall leaf. The light shone brightly and it soon turned blinding as it rose and shone everywhere, and I let go of Y/n's hand to shield my eyes.

The light, the leaves, and the breeze mixed together and swirled around Y/n's body. I couldn't see her, just the light and the leaves. The breeze smelled of Oak Trees and a warm Vanilla.

The light finally subsided and absorbed into Y/n, and the leaves and breeze died away. I uncovered my eyes and looked around at the Guardians. Their eyes laid on Y/n, and I whirled to see..


~*~ Tooth POV
Is she alive? I hope she's alive after what just happened! She looks.. different! That dress is pretty. Oh, Y/n, please be alive..

~*~ Bunny POV
What the Crickey just happened?! Sheila looks different now. Does that mean she's alive? I need some Carrot Juice, this is all too overwhelming. Since when did she wear that dress?

~*~ North POV
Shostakovich! Y/n is different! She has new hairstyle! Is she alive? Does she need cookies? Dingle! Make Y/n cookies!

~*~ Sandy POV

~*~ Jack POV
My heart raced, and I quickly picked up Y/n's hand. She was pale, but had a warm tone to her skin. Freckles sprinkled over the bridge of her nose. She now has blonde, wavy hair and she wore a dress. She looked different.. she was beautiful.

I put my ear to her chest and strained to hear a heartbeat. My heart sunk when I heard nothing.

I looked to the Guardians and their hopeful expression sunk when I shook my head. No heartbeat.

That's when Y/n's eyes opened slowly. Her eyes were of a beautiful hazel that spoke of the leaves.

"Y/n!" I exclaimed. I held her hand as she looked around and smiled. The Guardians and I surrounded her with love and support, smiling.

"He was right.." Y/n smiled.

~*~ Your POV
You opened your eyes slowly, only to be greeted with candlelight. Your vision focused on a familiar face. His sparkling blue eyes made you smile. Soon you saw the Guardians' faces surround you as Jack stared at you as well. You felt love in your heart.

"He was right.." you smiled.

"Who?" Tooth asked.

"The Moon.." you answered. "He resurrected me.."

You sat up and received tight hugs from everyone, including Bunny, who never hugged anyone. You explained to them what had happened, with how you woke up in the forest, with how the Moon said you were the Spirit of Fall to the Guardian of Truth. "-And now here I am," you finished.

The Guardians rejoiced, "We have another Guardian!!" North bellowed.

"Looks like we are getting another," Bunny remarked, referring to his statement a while back.

Jack stared at you, and you did the same. You smiled,

"Well, it looks like I'm immortal," you stated, but Jack cut you off with a kiss. It was deep and passionate. Tooth blushed and Bunny made a sound of disgust as North just laughed,

"Is love!" North said to Bunny.

"Never thought Frostbite would get a girl," Bunny remarked and laughed with a North. You closed your eyes in the kiss and you two parted after a minute. Jack smiled,

"So we can stay together," he stated, "No growing old, no dying.. Well be together forever,"

You smiled, "You're right,"

You hugged him, "I love you Frostbite,"

"I love you, Y/n,"

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