Jumping to Connclusions

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~*~ Your POV
You pounded on the door until your balled fists hurt.

"Let me out!!" You yelled, but no one payed attention. You had to get back to the Guardians! Phil locked you in a room filled with ice sculptures and tools. North's office? There was a little window next to the giant door that locked shut, multiple gadgets and buttons on the lock that would be impossible for you to figure out. You looked through the small window and saw the Guardians fighting Pitch below. You weren't that far away, come to think of it. If you were to just get out of that office, you could stop all of this.. hopefully..

You turned to face the office and scanned the room for any signs of tools that could be used to break through or unlock the door. You heard a jingle and flashed the wondering eyes to under the table. You bent down slowly as an elf crawled out from underneath, holding a cookie.

"Hey little guy. What are you doing in here?" You asked gently. The elf held out a cookie in offer but you declined it politely. The elf looked down, then back up at you.

"Did you get trapped in here too?"

The elf shook his head, the bells on his hat jingling as he did so. You grew confused as you raised an eyebrow and asked quietly,

"Did you.. sneak in here to help me?"

The elf nodded. You sighed,

"Okay buddy, Yu shouldn't have done that, it could be dangerous! But.. thank you..." you flicked your gaze at the elf's shirt. His name was engraved into the outfit lightly and smiled, "..Dingle," you finished your sentence.

The elf smiled widely and jumped around. You giggled and picked him up, "so how are we going to get out of here?"

The ground shook a bit beneath you, and you heard a giant boom, shaking the room, but it soon ended and you looked over through the small window to see that the Guardians were surrounding Pitch. That's a good sign!

Dingle pointed at the door, but you shook your head, "The door is locked and I'm pretty sure it takes a lot of force to unlock it. I'm not as strong as North," You joked.

Dingle was still and silent for a moment, before his hat jingled and he jumped down from your hand and started rummaging through everything.

"Hey, I don't think you should be going through North's things!" You protested, but Dingle kept on going and you thought for a moment. "Wait, is there a way to get out of here? Like a key?"

Dingle nodded and you sighed of relief. Why didn't you think of that before?!

"Can you show me where it is?" You asked carefully.

He hesitated, but nodded slowly. Dingle hopped onto a large bookshelf. He pushed through multiple books, even knocking over some mini ice sculptures which you felt bad for. He finally stopped and reached behind a giant book, pulling out a giant key. It was enormous! You helped dingle and picked it up. It was heavy too.

You quickly unlocked the door and heaved it open, Dingle on your shoulder as you ran down the levels of the Workshop. The lift would take too long so you risked to injure yourself; you jumped from the level, heaving over railings as you did a backflip onto the ground. The Guardians watched you and you grabbed a baseball bat as you stopped next to them.

"Y/n! I told you-" Jack started.

"No! I can't afford for you to get hurt, Jack!" You yelled, the Guardians silent. "I can't afford for any of you to get hurt.. you're all I have.. I can't lose any of you.. you mean too much to me," You explained. The Guardians were silent as they stared at you. They smiled softly, knowingly. Jack stood in front of you, smiling, and you seemed to share a moment.

They seemed to forget Pitch was there as you looked around. Your eyes darted to the wall behind Jack and your heart leaped as you saw the shadow turn into Pitch, bringing up his scythe and you reached a hand out.

"Jack behind you!" You cried. Jack looked behind and tried to block himself, but in the instant Pitch brought down his scythe, you jumped through, pushing Jack away and Dingle flying off your shoulder and you collapsed to the ground.

All was silent.

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