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The song above is necessary for later on in this chapter. That's all I have to say now. Hehe. Not awkward at all.. Enjoy the chapter below!

~*~ Your POV
  "Well I understand that but why would we try to fix it if it's already broken? It's beyond repair!" You reasoned to the Yeti, Phil. You and the Guardians were waiting for Pitch to strike so you could defeat him, so in the meantime of waiting, Phil let you sneak downstairs to the Workshop, where all the toys get made. You thought the elves made the toys until you saw hundreds of Yetis rushing by, fixing toys and creating new pieces.

   Which made sense. The elves were.. well.. let's just leave it there.. You were now helping Phil observe some of the toys that were broken, to see if they could be fixed. You had a bit of experience with this sort of thing.

"Hdnapzhsha!" Phil responded. You tried to comprehend what he said, but by his irritated tone you guessed he was arguing over what you stated. You rolled your eyes,

"Phil, I'm telling you it can't be fixed! Look at the handle, it loops around and attaches to the engine of the toy train, if we were to fix it, it wouldn't be the same." You explained and motioned to the toy. Phil, after examining further, frowned at you after realizing you were right.

You snatched a cookie from an elf's plate, eating it as you raised your eyebrows at Phil, gloating.

"Told you," You stated. Phil frowned but then patted your back and smiled as a thank you, which you nodded to. You walked around and stopped at the music section of the Workshop. Microphones, toy guitars, drums, and more instruments lay on the tables as you picked up the microphone gently. You used to sing all the time with your mother, and sometimes you still like to sing just for the joy of it.

"Y/n are you in here?" You heard Tooth calling your name. You looked up at the spiraling levels of the Workshop, the Guardians looking through the entrance.

You waved and shouted back, "Yeah, I'm in the music section!"

A few seconds later the Guardians were caught up with you, and Bunny sighed,

"You shouldn't run off like that, mate. It could be dangerous in case Pitch showed up."

Tooth nodded and you grinned, "Well I'm right here,"

"That's relief! We thought something happened to you!" North bellowed.

You laughed, "You only wish," you joked.

Tooth looked down at your hand and gasped, "Y/n I didn't know you sang!"

You flashed your gaze to the microphone in your hand and put it down back on the table quickly,

"No, no I don't really uh- I don't sing much.." you stuttered, your face flushing in embarrassment.

"Come on, Y/n, show us what you got!" Jack said.

"No, I haven't sung in forever.." you protested.

The Guardians just kept pressuring you and you finally sighed, "Okay, okay.. but I'm not very good.."

You were saying the complete honest truth. You haven't sung in a long time, since your 15th birthday, and you were pretty sure you would fail. The Guardians nodded to you as you slowly picked up a guitar. You also learned guitar in your spare time.

You picked the only song you knew how to play on guitar and sighed.. you looked back at the Guardians, especially Jack, and looked down at the guitar, strumming the strings gently as you took in a breath and sang softly,

(you can play the song now)

"I found a love for me. Darling just dive right in, and follow my lead.

"Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.." surprisingly the words rolled of your tongue smoothly, as if you had just sang it the other day.

"Cause we were just kids when we fell In love, not knowing what it was.. I will not give you up this time.. darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own.. and in your eyes you're holding mine.."

Your eyes seemed to lock with Jack's as you continued,

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight.." you finished the song early. You looked away from Jack and at the others who gaped at you.

"Why'd you stop?! You have such a lovely voice!" Tooth swayed, humming the tune back in awe. The tooth fairies were swooning over it an you giggled at them. Your eyes went to Bunny as he nodded.

"She's right, you have a gift," Bunny said to you. You smiled and thanked them as they all started walking away, now knowing about your voice and that you're okay. Jack stayed and just stared at you, and you smirked,

"Too strong to handle for ya, frosty?" You grinned at him. He blinked at you and grinned.

"That was beautiful," Jack mumbled to you.

You chuckled, "Well thank you,"

The silence between you two coated over like a blanket and you stared at him. He suddenly grabbed your hand and you blushed as you returned his gaze.

"Y/n.." he mumbled. He was smirking at you which made you blush more.

"Jack?" You managed to let the name escape your lips. Your heart leaped as you two got closer, and-

Black sand swirled the room. You and Jack quickly sprang apart as you yelped in alarm and the Guardians quickly got in fighting positions.

You looked past them to see your father standing before them.

"Hello Guardians,"

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now