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~*~ Your POV
    You entered the store with the Guardians, whom walked in with awe. Jack and you exchanged looks as you both shook your heads. The Guardians' expressions were as if they'd never seen anything like it.

   "Have you never seen a grocery store before?" You asked the guardians, chuckling briefly.

     If it was possible to have their jaws slacked to the floor, it would be this.

    "It is place full of food! This is MAGNIFICENT!!" North roared with joy. Luckily no one else could see or hear them, but to them you looked like an idiot, talking to air.

    Jack laughed, "It's just a store."

   "Ive never actually been inside one of these, I've never seen so much food in my life!" Tooth squealed and fluttered around. Bunny just stared at the food section, along with North. Sandy, well, HE was just being himself. He was floating around looking at everyone's faces, smiling and throwing exciting symbols in the air.

   You sighed, "Luckily this is a SuperMarket, so they have all types of stuff here. We can all split up if you'd like, go see the stuff you want. We'll meet back here in an hour. Okay?"

   Everyone nodded, and Jack stayed with you as you strolled down the several aisles. You watched as North stomped to the baking section filled with cookie cutters and batter, Sandy went to the sleeping section with blankets and pillows, Tooth flew to the dental area with toothbrushes and floss and Bunny went over to vegetable aisle with, you guessed it, Carrots. Classic.

     Meanwhile you just walked around. Everything in here, despite being a store, was admirable: The marble floor, the bannisters solid oak, the Christmas decorations hanging from both the aisles and the ceiling.. for a store this was pretty fancy..

   "So whatcha thinking about?" Jack asked. You snapped back to reality and looked at him. His eyes were focused on you and you blinked.

    "It's just so surprising that you all are real!" You admit, rubbing your arm.

   Jack chuckled, "Ouch.."

   Your eyes widened, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound so.." you trailed off, cringing deeply.

   He laughed, "It's fine. I was only joking. We get it a lot though. Magical beings are real, yeah yeah yada yada yada," he continued. "It gets pretty boring, being a Guardian. You just get told the same thing all the time, but it's also fun. You get to play around and hang around at the workshop all the time.."

     You only nodded, listening to him speak. He glanced at you,

"You okay there, snowflake?" He asked. You jumped slightly at the nickname he called you, and memories of your mother flooded in.

"I love you so much, my little snowflake," you heard your mother's voice.

You shoved the memory deep down and shook tour head of the thoughts. You looked back at Jack,

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." You answered.

Jack shrugged, "So yell me about yourself. Why do you live alone?"

You chuckled sarcastically, "Well it's mostly a sob story,"

"I can handle it, after my own," He joked, but soon winced at the silence I gave him, "Too soon?"

You brushed it off and continued, "Its fine. Anyway, my mother passed away when I was nine. My family tried to take me in but gave me up because of my over-imaginative imagination. So basically I'm Emancipated, meaning that legally I can live on my own, and the government send me money monthly to help me with living alone after hearing of my moms death.." You explained.

Jack was silent for a moment as his eyes showed sympathy, "Sorry to hear about that, snowflake.. and what about your.. father?" He asked carefully.

You sighed, "He disappeared from the family when I was young. He was a good father, I don't know why he left. I guess he and mom didn't love each other anymore.. I'm not sure.. I still remember him.." You said as you smiled.

Jack smiled, "That's good to hear. Well, not the part about him leaving but the part about him being a good father, not.." he stuttered. He sighed, "Do you remember what he looked like?" He asked. He slung his staff over his shoulders as you nodded.

"He was very handsome. He had black hair that resembled midnight itself. He was very tall and strong, I remember him saying he'd always protect me even if he wasn't there.. and sometimes I like to believe it's true.. that he's protecting me."

Jack smiled, "I bet that's true."

You smiled back and sighed. You took in a breath and pulled yourself together quickly, changing the atmosphere completely.

"It's not even Thanksgiving yet and they're hanging up Christmas decorations!" You joked.

Jack smirked, "People just can't resist the winter spirit can they?"

You giggled, "Is there even a Fall spirit?"

Jack nodded, "Ooohh yeah," he stretched out his sentence, "There's a spirit of Fall, alright. He can be quite the stink of the mood, too."

"Well I don't blame him. People are just skipping over the Fall Holidays and going right to winter and Christmas. It's not thanksgiving and they're ready for Christmas!" You joked further. "I'm surprised they still get ready for Halloween,"

"Well there's also a sprit for that, too."

"A spirit of Halloween?" You asked. Jack shook his head,

"No, just a spirit for the ideal feeling. He's a spirit of fear, otherwise known as The Nightmare King or the Boogeyman," he explained.

"The boogeyman? I've never heard of him.." you admitted. Your mother never told you about him.

"Well it's alright. Pitch was defeated. He was our enemy and he tried to take over the childhood world, but we got to his advantage."

Pitch? What kind of name is that? Although sounding familiar, you shook it off as it even felt scary.

"Well that's good.." You mumbled.

"You don't smile a lot, so ya Snowflake?" He asked.

You returned his look and shook your head.

He grinned, "Well that's alright! Just hang around us and we'll have you smiling all the time! Smile!" He grinned and winked at you. You felt yourself being dragged into his icy-blue gaze and felt your face heating up. Were you blushing?! Jack seemed to notice and grinned wider, making me blush deeper, and I cleared my throat,

"Well, uh- It's time to go meet back with the guardians.." You mumbled and before he could answer you turned and started walking back to where you all started. You took in his advice, though and sighed.

Smile? I'll try.

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now