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~*~ Jack POV
We took Jamie and Sophie home, since they had quite a rough day. We took Y/n's body to the Pole for a proper funeral. While the Guardians has their funeral, I couldn't bring myself to be in the same room as Y/n's body. It hit me hard.

Y/n is gone. She's really gone.

I sat by the windowsills, drawing frosted figures of Y/n on every window in honor of her, but it wouldn't satisfy the feeling of sadness. Y/n's body still lie on the floor for the funeral, candles around her. Soon the Guardians will bury her.

I sighed.

I walked slowly to the room filled with the Guardians, and in the middle lie Y/n'a body. My heart swelled as I approached her slowly.

"Jack, i know it's a shock but.." Tooth trailed off as North out a hand on her shoulder. I didn't say anything, but I sat on my knees in front of Y/n. Her eyes were closed. She looked peaceful..

"Do you think she was in pain when..?" I asked.

Bunny shook his head, "No, mate. The impact was fast, it was like blacking out.."

I nodded and said nothing more. I picked up her hand slowly and held it in mine. I just lowered my head and closed my eyes, out hands intertwined.

"I love you.."

~*~ Your POV
You opened your eyes to a blinding light. Your vision came to a focus as you looked around. You were lying on soft, green grass, oak trees surrounding you in its' Autumn form. Orange, brown, yellow, and red leaves littered the trees, some on the ground. Where were you?

A summer breeze blew past, a flurry of leaves sweeping by as you continued to look around. Your eyes landed on yourself. You were in a white, loose and flowy dress that ended at your knees, orange and brown swirls decorating the fabric. It felt of blouse-material and was very comfortable. You brushed your hair with your fingers but stopped yourself as you looked down hesitantly. Your hair was.. different. It felt different.

You saw a small pond next to you, and you rushed over to it quickly to see your reflection. It was frozen over slightly, but still reflects not enough.

You gasped.

Your hair was blonde. It was middle-length, which reaches just below your shoulders, and it obtained beautiful waves . Your face was pale, with freckles dotting over the bridge of your nose. Your eyes were also different.. they were a beautiful hazel, the iris of the color sparkling slightly with life. You were different..

You narrowed your eyes. This pond looked.. familiar. Then the memories rushed back into your mind. The pond. Jamie. Sophie. The Guardians. Pitch. Everything.

The last thing you remembered was falling through the ice. But even as you remembered everything, you weren't scared. You felt at peace with yourself and with nature. You were calm, happy even.

You looked to the sky as the sun set beneath the horizon, beautiful orange colors bleeding into the sky. The full moon was barely visible, but you still saw it. You knew this moon. You didn't know how, but you knew.

"Y/n Fall," a voice was heard. You had no doubt it belonged to the Moon, "That is your name."

"Hello," you said in a soft voice, a flurry of leaves sweeping by. Your eyes were planted on the luminous globe. "Why am I here?" You asked.

"You are only here in the mind.." he answered. You tilted your head, your gaze still soft, but confused. "You have died fighting your father, Pitch Black. I have risen you because you died saving the children known as Jamie and Sophie Bennett,"

"But.. that means the Guardians didn't.." you couldn't finish your sentence. You forgot. You chose Jamie and Sophie over the Guardians. Guilt plagued your heart, but the voice continued.

"The Guardians are alive and well," He said calmly. "Pitch was dealt with by Jackson Frost."

After sighing of relief you looked back at the moon as he continued, "You gave your life for the children.. you chose them over the Guardians, and that makes you worthy.. I've risen you from your fate.. you are the Spirit of Nature and you are the Guardian of Truth,"

"But why Nature?" You asked, "And why Truth?"

"That is for you to find out, child.." the Moon said.

"So.. why am I here?" You questioned, your voice calm.

"You are not here in this world," he replied, "You are not alive yet.. I've risen you from your body and you are currently in the spirit realm. You don't have long before you return o your body. When you return, you will be greeted with the faces of the Guardians.."

You blinked slowly and smiled up at the Moon. The moon said nothing more and in response a gust of a fall breeze blew past. It felt normal. It felt safe.

"Farewell, my friend," you said softly to the Moon.

You closed your eyes and breathed in deeply. You looked to the leaves,

"Let's go home,"

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now