Chapter three

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                                                       ^Nathaniel ladies and gentlemen.

Nathan dragged me to the cafeteria for lunch. Do you need a description? Well I suggest that you watch mean girls for that.

I sat down at our table where my friends Betie, William, Kayne, Olia, Janice and Nathan's friends Ashton and Jacob were already seated, looking all perky and excited. 

Why is my entire day going this weirdly?

Nathan was nervously fidgeting around the entire time, and let me tell you he is never nervous.

After everyone was done having their food, Nathan stood up on the table, clearing his throat, and began, "Now that we are all fed and watered, "   did I tell you that Harry Potter is my all time favourite series?

"Isabella Ivy, you are an absolutely amazing girl, and since we started going out together, the fact that you are the girl for me couldn't get clearer. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Nathaniel just asked me to be his girlfriend before the entire school. omg omg omg, I am so going to faint of happiness.

Look towards the door Izz.

    I turned left and right to see the entire school going aww goals, except Eugene, who was storming out angrily, and his cousins, who were worriedly rushing after him. How many times today did I say weird?

Anyways, I looked back at Nate, who had climbed down the table and was watching me expectantly. I threw myself in his arms and screamed "Yes!!" at the top of my lungs.

And then we suddenly heard a growl from outside.

Everyone filed out to see Eugene's cousin rushing out in their car, chasing a huge black wolf, with Eugene nowhere in sight. Everyone cowered back in fear, except, surprisingly, me Isabella Ivy, who is extremely scared of dog like animals.

Don't worry, that wolf will never hurt you. And Eugene is safe too.

    Eugene ? Why on earth would I care about that mutt? But sadly, I do care about him.

Gradually, everybody headed back in, and so did I. 

Eugene, Stacie, Emanuel, Layla, and Jordan, the people who rushed out at the time of Nate's proposal, were missing the rest of the day.

<A/n italics is Ivory speaking/thinking.... ugh, whatever. Btw, thanks for so many reads! keep voting, commenting, sharing and following.>

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