Chapter 11

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Mom was back home in the middle of the night. So you can imagine what happened the next day when a certain Eugene Knight came to pick me up for school.


Both mine and Eugene's cheeks burnt scarlet.

"Mom, we aren't dating. He is my best friend, he is allowed to pick me up you know."

"Oh. Never mind. I will go to church today and pray that some sense is knocked into your heads."


"Bye darlings, have a great day at school."

We sat in silence, and the more I thought about it, the more I compared Nathaniel to Eugene . Also, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like my old crush for Eugene was back.

Damn right you are.

Speaking of Eugene, I turned towards him to see that he was looking worried about something.

"Euges, you okay right?"

Hearing my old nick name for him, he smiled turning towards me.

"Keep your damn eyes on the road mister, I do not want to die in a car crash."

Turning back to the road, still grinning like the idiot he was, he said, "Yeah, just a bit of family issues, nothing else."

"Oh. Are your mum and dad quarrelling or something?", surprising, as Laura and James were the most in love couple I had seen, apart from my own parents.

"Um, no.. uh, dad, dad died two months ago....."


"Sheesh woman, don't shout and yeah, a wolf attack."

"James is no more? But he was so strong. How are you coping up? And why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't want you to feel like I was burdening you with my problems. The moment he took his last breath, I wanted to come to you but..."

"You should have you idiot. James treated me like I was his own daughter. His death was my problem too. Now I feel guilty for not having been there  for you"

"There were other issues too."

"What other issues?

"I can't tell you."

"The same old trash. Fine,keep it to yourself. But if you ever need me again, remember, I will always be there for you."


With that, he pulled into the school parking lot.

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