Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

We stayed at my parents house for only a few days before we headed to visit Josh's family. As we walked to his house, he started warning me. "Okay, don't tell me I didn't warn you. My family can get really crazy. My brother Connor is super loud. My parents are very, wild. They can get loud too." "Seems like I'll fit in fine." "Oh, just wait until the alcohol comes out!" I laugh and we arrive at his house. I can hear the music in the backyard already. "It's only eleven!" I laugh as we walk to the gate to the backyard. As his hand reaches to open it,

I start getting nervous. My muscles tense and it seems like I've stopped breathing. "Jen, calm down. You said it yourself, you're going to fit in perfectly fine. You have nothing to worry about." I nod, though not fully believing him, as we enter the backyard. "Hey!" I hear a boy, around his twenties, tell as Josh shows his face. It's then I realize he has a tight grip on my hand. "Josh is home!" He hollers then jumps in the pool and I'm guessing he is Connor, the loud one. "Josh!" His mom comes running over and pulls him into a bear hug. "Hi mom." He smiles wrapping his arms around her. "You can let go now!" As I watch him hug his mom I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a soaking wet Connor. "Hi, I'm Connor, Josh's younger brother." I smile. "I'm Jen, Josh's girlfriend." His mouth falls to the floor. "Josh has a girlfriend?" He almost screams, turning all eyes to us. "I know right? He had to beg me." I tease and I hear him yell behind me, still in his mothers embrace. "I heard that!" "I know!" He finally breaks away and pulls me towards his family. After a few minutes of introducing his family, I have a beer in my hand. Josh starts drinking too. This will not end well. Soon enough some of his cousins start jumping in the pool. "Want to go swimming?" Josh whispers to me. Before I can answer he pushes me into the pool. "Josh!" I shriek and my body falls under the water. My head comes up and I see him laughing. "Wipe that smile off your face." I quickly get out and push him in too. "Ha!" I jump in beside him and soon enough his whole family is in the pool. We're all swimming for hours, until 3pm to be exact. Some people, including Josh, get out of the pool. I get caught up in a conversation with Connor when Josh calls my name. "What do you want from my life?" I yell back. "Jason is calling you!" I roll my eyes but run over and take the phone. "Hello?" "Hey Jen. I just needed to know a few things. First off, where are you?" I was confused. "Me and Josh are in Kentucky." "Josh is with you? Ok." "Jason, is there a problem?" I was actually getting nervous. "Uh, ya. We actually deleted the cave scene. We need to do it again." My head went light. I made sure Josh couldn't hear. "Jason, I wasn't planning on going back." "What do you mean?" I roll my eyes. "Most people forget, I am still a college student. I need to finish school. I was going to tell Josh tonight." I hear him sigh. "I was planning on coming to the premiere of course!" Another sigh. "How about you fly in tomorrow. Or even get on a flight tonight and come in." That's a good idea. "But how an I going to tell him?" "That's not my problem. Now let me talk to Josh." I walk back over to Josh and he eyes me weirdly. Then I get into a conversation with his mother. "Oh look at that! You're on the news!" I turn my attention to the tv to see mine and Josh's face pop up. "We have just received word that filming for the first part of the Hunger Games movies are finished and 'Joshifer' has been seen getting on to a plane to Kentucky! Have fun!" That was weird, but okay.

For the rest of the night that question nabbed at my mind. How was I going to tell Josh I'm not going back to LA with him? After we both said our goodbyes to his family we started down the street. "They loved you Jen." I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "Are you okay? Ever since Jason called you seemed to be a bit out of it." I had to think if a way to tell him, now. "Isn't it nice to be able to walk down the street and now have paparazzi hounding us?" He nods and wraps an arm around my waist. "I love it here." He smiles and my muscles tense. "I love it too. I love it so much I'm staying." Bad way to say it, but what's said is done. Josh stops dead in his tracks. "What do you mean you're staying?" "Josh, I'll go back for the premiere, but I have to stay here. Everyone seems to forget I'm still a college student. I want to graduate and I only have a month left of school." I shake my head, letting the tears fall. "I'll stay with you." "No, you have to go home, I don't want to hold you back." "You are my home Jen, I don't want to be without you." "No!" I yell, getting a little mad. "You have to go back Josh!" He pulled me into his arms and I finally let out all the tears I'd been holding in. We sit there, on my lawn for hours, and we eventually fall asleep.

"I can't let you do that!" "Why not, you would do it for me. Let me do this for you." "Cut!" We finished the scene. Now this is final goodbye to Josh for a month. We get cleaned off and then head to the airport. "I guess this is goodbye." He sighs, holding onto my hands. "Yep, Josh, remember what I said. I love you forever." We stand there, right in front of the private jet, embracing each other. "I love you." He whispers a million times in my ear. "I'll call you every day." He reassures and I nod. "I love you." We share one last kiss before I head onto the plane. I blow a kiss to him from the window. Oh damn. What did I get myself into?

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