Chapter One

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  I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body, I had just finished my morning workout and was getting ready for school. Today I  start my final year and I'm happy and sad at the same time.

  I've enjoyed my high school years, but I'm also ready to move on and get out of this house.

  Once dry I start getting dressed, sports bra, men's boxer briefs, a loose pair of jeans with rips in the knees, and a bright yellow Under Armor shirt.

  I make my way back into the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and trying to decide on what to do with my hair.

  I stare in the mirror for a few minutes. My clear blue eyes staring back at me, my blonde hair, which is short on the sides, and longer on the top, hung loosely down over my eyes.

Screw it I think to myself, as I just decide to throw a cap on. I slide into my shoes, grab my backpack, and decide on which vehicle to take before heading down stairs.

  I can hear Alice in the kitchen humming to herself, and I already knew it was probably a gosspial song.

"Morning Alice," I watched as the older lady looked over her shoulder giving me a huge smile. Alice was our "maid" as my parents called her, but she knew she was more to me than that.

"Good morning Ruby, want some breakfast?".

I looked down at the plate of food while grimacing to myself, Alice was the only one who could ever get away with calling me that, I hate my name and that's why I go by Rj.

"It looks great Alice, but I need to get to school and get everything settled. I'll be home today after football practice."

She smiled sweetly, "okay dear, I'll make sure to have a good dinner for you then."

  I leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking into the garage. It was nearing the end of August, but when you live in Texas it's hot as hell.

  I start up my motorcycle before flipping my hat around. The engine vibrating underneath me as I started off for my final year.

  One I pulled up into the parking lot I noticed everyone was staring at me.  Mostly the incoming freshman, and I couldn't help but laugh.

  I live in a very small town, so small that we actually play 6 man football instead, so everyone knows who I am.

  As I walked by the kids most of them spoke and I spoke back, watching their faces turn to shock because someone as "cool" as me spoke to them. They will soon realize I speak to everyone because I am not a conceited bitch, I don't hang out only with the popular kids, I talk to everyone.

  If you want to be honest I really don't have any true friends, one because the kids my age are immature douches, and two because having close friends meant being personal and that wasn't happening.

  I opened my locker double checking my schedule for the day, I had English, math, history, and science. Then I was a teacher's aide twice in a row for my math teacher and then it was off to athletics.

  The sound of the bell ringing shook me out of my thoughts as I grabbed my bag and made my way to the first class.

Students where chatting among themselves as I found a seat towards the back. Another student soon joined me, "hey RJ did you hear the news, we have a new math teacher and she is hot I got a hard-on as soon as I saw her."

I rolled my eyes looking over at him, "dude that's not anything I want to hear, you know I don't like that shit."

  He sat back in his seat quickly as the teacher started going over roll. I hated when people disrespected women, it was one reason I had been in so many fights because I would always defend them.

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