Chapter Nine

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The last few hours passed way to quickly, I could never fall back to sleep, because of everything on my mind.

I didn't even get up this morning to work out, I stayed in bed as long as I could until I had to get up and shower.

I didn't want to go to school today, I honestly just wanted to go back to bed, and not get up for a very long time.

I threw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt, I didn't even give a shit what I looked like today. I made my way down stairs and Emily was headed towards the door, she turned when she saw me.

"You look like shit."

I mumbled thanks as I walked passed her heading for my truck. I knew she was just messing with me, but I just couldn't today.

I avoided everybody most of the day, I even ignored Emily when she was texting. Something was wrong with me, I could feel it, I just didn't know what it was.

It was after lunch and I was walking down the hall towards Emily's class. I I was looking down when someone bumped shoulders with me. I looked up and noticed it was Eric, me and this kid never got a long.

"Watch where your going faggot."

I eyed him and just laughed as I turned to walk towards my class, "what's the matter gonna go run and tell your new mommy."

Rage that's all I felt, and as I turned my fist collided with his jaw, before bringing my knee up into his gut.

I grabbed the back of his head bringing my knee to his nose. He flew back grabbing his face as his head hit the floor, but I wasn't done.

I jumped on top of him, punching him anywhere my fist could land. I heard Emily's voice and felt her trying to pull me off the kid, but it was no use my rage over powered her.

Finally a couple of guys pulled me off, pushing me up against the locker. They struggled to hold me there as I tried to fight through them.

I finally gave up trying to fight, as Emily was standing in front of me alone with the principal. "What happened here?"

I stayed silent I wasnt going to say anything, but of course a kid couldn't keep his mouth shut as he told the principal what Eric had said.

Emily's eyes shot up to mine when she heard the story and I just turned my head. The principal ran his hand over his bald head, "RJ I'm sorry but you know fighting is strictly against policy, and this isn't your first time. Unfortunately I'm going to have to suspend you for the week, and your not allowed to play in the game on Friday."

I looked at him mortified, "are you serious right now?"

"You need some time RJ and maybe a week of not being here and not playing will put that head of yours back on straight."

I couldn't believe this, he was suspending me, making me miss what I love and he thought that was going to help me.

I tried to push pass both of them, but Emily grabbed my wrist. I yanked my arm away from hers and just looked at her "I'll see you at home mother."

The words came out before I could think, but right now I was angry and I didn't care who I hurt.

I got into my truck, going home wasn't an option, I didn't want to see Emily, hell I didn't want to see anybody.

I pulled up to my old house, before getting out and unlocking the door. Apparently their had been people in here packing things up. The house was basically empty with just a few things left.

There was some pictures still hanging on the wall of me and my parents. "This is your fault, I thought my life was hell when you were alive, what the hell have y'all done to me."

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