Park Jihoon

6.2K 217 94

word count- 1480
type- jealousy, fluff

It was a lazy day on Wanna One's tour, everyone had the day off to sight see. You decided to stay in the hotel and loaf around. You shared the room with Jihoon and Jinyoung, who was never there.

You finally finished in the bathroom, not wearing much makeup as it was a lazy day. You straightened Jihoon's sweatshirt, which fit snugly on you and walked out of the bathroom, plopping down in the hotel chair and going on your laptop, as you planned to do for the rest of the day. You liked wearing Jihoon's stuff, it smelled like him.

Jihoon walks in with Guanlin, laughing until he spots you and smirks. Guanlin plops on the bed, going on his phone.

"I see you're wearing my stuff." He says, jokingly. You smile your cutest smile and reply with a chirpy, "Yep!" He just laughs slightly walking over to you, gesturing for you to move your laptop. You move it and you grunt slightly as Jihoon sits on you.

"Ow." You say.

"I'm not that fat, am I?" He asks, pretending to be shocked. You laugh and push him off onto the floor.

"This chair is too small for both of us."

He continues laying on the floor before groaning, "Come on, let's go somewhere! It's our only day off here so might as well make use if it, right?"

"Ugh" you and Guanlin both groan at the same time, then burst out laughing.

"Hey, Jihoon where's my laptop charger?"

"Oh, I accidentally left it in Guanlin's room." You groan as you you get up and walk towards the door and across the hall. You open the door to see Jinyoung laying shirtless on the bed. He glances sleepily over at you.

"Hey." He rasps. You can't help but stare. I mean, yeah, you had a crush on Jihoon, but Jinyoung was hot. He laughs. "Do you need something? Or did you just come to stare at me?" You blush, walking over to the laptop charger plugged into the wall. "Shut up, Jinyoung!" Yanking the charger out if the wall.

Jihoon's POV

"Hyung, why don't you just ask her out already?"

"I told you, Guanlin, she doesn't like me."

"She does. Hyung, she can't make it more obvious!"

"Whatever man."

Your POV

You walk out of Jinyoung's room, slightly flustered, and into your room, walking across and bending over to plug in your charger. Suddenly you feel two strong arms wrap around your torso, pulling you to and upright position. Jihoon was pressed up behind you and you could feel is warm breath on your neck. He made your heart melt and you knees weak when he did things like this. He quickly pulls away and goes to sit on the couch. Just when you think it's going somewhere he drops it. You both loved and hated when he did that.

"Hey, I'm going to the store." Guanlin says getting up and leaving the room.

Most everyone could come and go as they pleased, so nobody really cared. You were left with Jihoon. Maybe now he would make a move. Something, anything!

"Hey, lets have a movie night."


"But that means you have to snuggle with me on the couch." He says, giving you the puppy dog face. You roll your eyes, pretending to be exasperated.

"Okay, fine, whatever." You laid on the couch in front of him, on your side like him. Your back was pressed against his chest. You could feel his warmth and smell his cologne. It was perfect. He wrapped his arms around you while he searched for movie.You fell asleep soon after, your head on his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around you.

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