Park Jihoon

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wattpad is being a bxtch, i cannot publish imagines.

word count- 870

There he was, Park Jihoon. Cowardly hiding behind your tan leather sofa in the unit that you share. You watched through the viewfinder as he pops his head around the side. His eyes meet yours and instantly turned darker.

You pull the trigger.


"Bring it (y/n)!" Jihoon shouts as he dips his head back into the safety of the sofa. You fall to the floor as Jihoon sends a shower of bullets above your head. You hear them whistle and then clink as they hit the fruit bowl.

You were in the middle of what can only be described as a Nerf Gun War.
It had been going on for about 5 minutes, since you arrived home from work. You opened the door to your unit and hung your bag up. Only to find a nerf gun with a sticky note on it, just laying there on the table,
You have 20 seconds to grab the nerf gun and run. I am hiding somewhere in the unit. The winner gets cookies.
Your time starts now

You kicked off your heels and dived under the kitchen table. You were patiently waiting until you saw his reflection in the TV. Having an open kitchen/lounge meant that you could see him easily. And that lead you up to now.

You cautiously crawled forwards, moving on your knees as to not make a sound. You were in no-mans-land now : the space in-between your open lounge. You were a sitting duck, huddled against the floor, slowly edging towards Jihoon.

You grabbed one of Jihoon's trainers that were resting on the floor. Making sure that he wasn't secretly looking, you flung the trainer to the other side of the room. Just as you'd hoped, Jihoon sprung off the sofa and fired bullets towards the sound, thinking it was you.

Taking your chance, you stood up and sprinted across the remaining space between you and Jihoon. Hurdling the sofa and landing straight on top of him. You stradled him.

"(y/n)! How the hell?" You shushed him and pointed the nerf gun at his head.

"Where are these cookies you speak of?"

He sighed as if in defeat ,"In the Tv cabinet."

"Good, good." You climbed off of him and, still keeping the nerf gun pointing at him, made your way backwards towards the TV cabinet. You smiled at him smugly, I guess it was one of the bonuses of growing up with brothers (cousins or whatever)- you became good at football, video games and 'army games.'

You pulled open the cabinet door, only to see the Xbox and it's games. Why no cookies?

Two hands suddenly grabbed your waist and pulled you back. You landed on the sofa and Jihoon stood above you, pinning you down.

"Now who's winning?" He sassed. He joined you on the sofa. Laying his body above yours, keeping himself up by his elbows. He decided to be a tease and gently brushed his lips against yours. You tried to kiss him but he moved his head back and out of your reach. He did an adorable giggle at attempt though.

"Such a tease, " you mumbled.

"As always." He muttered into your neck as he started to kiss your sweet spot. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach. He left little kisses from the top of your work shirt and up along your jaw. Just when you thought you were going to get the kiss you desired, he climbed off of you and ran off.

"Round two?" He chuckled as he ran behind the fridge.

All flustered, you sat up and slid off the sofa. You were going to get him back for that! That's where another plan would have to come into action.

While Jihoon ran frantically around the kitchen looking for a better hiding spot, you emptied out all your nerf bullets onto the sofa. You hid one up your cardigan sleeve for later and threw the rest underneath the coffee table. Then you grabbed your trainers that were lying on the floor nearby.

"But Jihoon, I'm out of bullets!"

"You're lying." he yelled from the kitchen.

"No, I'm not, " you said in a sing-song-voice. He poked his head round the corner and you help up your empty gun. Jihoon confidently strided over,

"Look (y/n), there is loads under the coffee table!" You sat back down onto the sofa and made it look like you were about to put the trainers on.

"Oh, let me just put these on and we will have round 2." Being the sweetie he is, he bent down to start collecting them.

"I'll get them for you baby," Now it was payback time. You took the bullet from your sleeve and loaded it into your gun. He had neatly collected them into his hands and looked up at you for approval. His eyes widened when he saw the nerf gun you were pointing at him.

"(y/f/n) !" You innocently smiled and fired the gun, the bullet hit his bum.

He faked a surprised face and clicked his fingers sassily. He hastily stood up and picked you up over his shoulder.

"Now you need to be punished."

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