Park Woojin

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so everyone was anticipating the idol producer imagine book and now nobody's even reading it. *sighs*

word count- 1398

Woojin took my hand in his and intertwined his fingers with my smaller ones before I began to swing our hands back and forth slowly while we walked. Loud music, laughs and even screams from people on rides filled the cool night air as we continued to walk around the brightly lit carnival.

The carnival has always been one of my favorite places to go, so when Woojin asked me what I wanted to do for our fourth date I couldn't help but pick this and so far it was going amazing.

We rode quite a few rides that had us both laughing and even some of the bigger ones that had me clinging onto Woojin's hand as I screamed along with the others. The whole time Woojin laughed at me and even teased me by calling me a baby which ended with me smacking his arm a few times. That only made him laugh more.

It was getting closer to midnight and the carnival was sadly coming close to closing time, but there was still one ride that I was dying to get on and I refused to leave until I was able to. The Ferris Wheel. I absolutely loved the view I got of the entire carnival when the ride stops at the top. All the lights of the different rides and all the people walking around. It always amazed me.

A bright smile made its way onto my pink lips when the Ferris Wheel finally came into sight, making me bounce on the tip of my toes in excitement. I began to tug at Woojin's hand gently as I pointed over to the brightly lit ride.

"Can we get on that one, pleaseee." I begged, looking up at him as I gave him one of my pouts that I knew he couldn't resist.

Woojin chuckled softly as he nodded his head and leaned forward to press a kiss to my forehead that had me blushing like always.

"Of course we can." He agreed with a smile before leading the way over to the line that surprisingly wasn't as long as I thought it would be considering how packed the carnival currently was.

A cool breeze passed by us and I couldn't help but shiver slightly as I rubbed at my arms slowly in an attempt to warm myself up as much as I could. I should have known to bring a jacket, especially during this time of the month where nights usually get pretty chilly.

I huffed quietly at my own stupidity before jumping a bit in slight surprise when I felt something wrap around my shoulders. I immediately began to feel warmer and that's when I realized Woojin had just given me his jacket. I looked up at him as my pout returned to my lips. "But, jagi.. you're going to get cold." I mumbled while already starting to pull the jacket off my shoulders to give back to him but I stopped when I felt his hand rest over mine.

"I'll be fine, I'm not that cold." Woojin reassured me with a gentle smile and helped me put the jacket on properly. I huffed once again but didn't resist, instead I pulled the jacket around myself more, and smiled softly at the warmth.

"Thank you." I mumbled after a moment while moving closer to Woojin's side when he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Anything for you." He glanced down at me with a bright smile which caused me to smile back as well because Woojin just has that beautiful kind smile that makes you want to smile back whenever you see it no matter how you're feeling.

Soon we made it to the front of the line and got into one of the carts. The worker shut the doors for us before pressing the button that had the ride moving up. I squealed softly and moved closer to the side of my seat so I could look over the small window that was there. I watched with a smile as we went higher and higher before finally stopping at the top.

My eyes fell shut for a moment when the cool breeze passed us again, making my smile widen before I opened my eyes back up to look around at the carnival. There were still a lot of people around despite the fact that the carnival was getting closer to closing. The lights from the different rides flashed while laughter mixed with the sounds of the rides moving filled the air.

I kept my eyes focused on the view for a while longer before pulling my phone out of my jeans pocket and stood up slowly in the middle of the cart to take a picture of it all. I couldn't help it, everything just looked so alive and happy.

I could feel my blush return to my cheeks when I suddenly realized Woojin was watching me with a smile. I pulled my gaze away from the carnival so my eyes could meet with his brown ones, he was smiling brightly up at me while holding his hand out for me to take.

He pulled me over to his seat gently when I placed my hand in his and soon I was sitting close to his side, his gaze focusing down at me as I looked up at him.

We sat in silence as Woojin's soft brown eyes studied my features for a few minutes, making my cheeks heat up as I glanced down shyly, my hair falling over my face slightly. Woojin's warm hand came up to brush the hair back and behind my ear before he gently cupped my cheek as he lifted my head back up slowly.

My eyes focused back on his as I caught my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Don't hide your beautiful face, baby girl." He whispered softly as his thumb stroked along my reddened cheek slowly. My eyes fell shut as I nodded my head slightly and began to nuzzle my cheek into his soft touch for a bit before looking back up at him only to see him already watching me with a fond smile.

Butterflies suddenly erupted in my stomach as I felt my breath hitch in my throat when Woojin began to lean in. Even though we had been on a couple of dates already, we still hadn't shared a kiss, so I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous, and on top of that, he was about to be my first kiss. What if I turn out to be a terrible kisser? Oh god, this is terrible, watch me embarrass myself!

I watched Woojin who was looking at me as if he was silently asking for permission to continue. My previous thoughts made me hesitate for a moment before I finally gave in and let my eyes close as I leaned in the rest of the way so that our lips were brushing against each other's slowly.

Even though I was terrified of messing this up, there was no way I was going to let myself back out now. I have been waiting for the day I finally get to feel his lips on mine, so it would definitely be pretty stupid of me not to go through with it.

Woojin's lips finally pressed against mine in a soft and slow kiss, his hand resting on my hip while my own hands came up to cup his cheeks gently. I may have messed up a bit at first but I soon got the hang of it and our lips began to move together in sync. Woojin's hands held onto my waist as he pulled me a bit closer to him, making me smile against his lips. I could feel him smiling back before he reconnected our lips for a while longer.

When we finally pulled away he rested his forehead against mine, a smile resting on his features. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He mumbled with a gentle chuckle.

I smiled brightly as I let out a quiet giggle and rubbed the tip of my cool nose with his slowly. "Me too." I agreed and held his cheeks in my small hands as I began to give his lips a few more gentle kisses which had him smiling brightly while attempting to kiss me back each time.

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