Park Jihoon

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have two drafted stories, i'll just upload those two and mark it as completed. thank you guys for reading this❤️

"My mum told me that it's not safe to leave a girl alone on the streets at night so I can't let you go like that!" Jihoon told you. You were returning home from Jihoon's siblings' birthday bash and after the dance, you were feeling so tired and so bored. You didn't want to disturb him by requesting him to drop you home in his brand new car (if he can't drive, imagine). But surprisingly Jihoon followed you outside and stopped you from going home.

"Okay then what do you want me to do?" You asked accepting defeat from arguing with your best friend, Jihoon. "I'll drop you in my car." Jihoon said. You agreed and you both walked back to Jihoon's house to get into his white shining car, his mom gifted him as he just got his driving license.

"Nice car, it is rented?" You teased. "Excuse-me, Park Jihoon never rents car and besides mum gifted me as I passed my driving test the past week." You both burst out laughing got in and Jihoon started the engine, making his way to your house. Suddenly a wild idea appeared in your mind, "Hey! Let's go to the beach!" Jihoon abruptly stopped the car and stared at you in shock, "Go to the beach, at this hour? Are you nuts?"

"No, I'm way serious! Come on! We'll have some fun!"

"No way (Y/N)! It's my sibling's birthday, I— "You interrupted him again, "Come on! Don't be an so boring Hoonie, let's go!" Jihoon agreed as you left him no choice. As soon as you reached the beach, you removed your heels, left them in Jihoon's car and rushed to the beach. You were feeling so happy. Jihoon slowly made his way to the beach following you.

"I wished it'd just rain!" You shouted at the top of your lungs. Jihoon sat on a sun bed, took his phone from his pocket and started tweeting some random things on twitter. Without realising, an hour had already passed with you guys still being on the beach.

All of a sudden, rain started pounding over your heads. When both reached the car you were both soaked to the bones. You thought that Jihoon looked so hot when his wet hair brushed in his face and Jihoon was glancing at you every five seconds.

Even if he was your best friend it was the first time you looked at him in that way. Without any warning, Jihoon just took off his shirt revealing his packs which you had no idea he had. Jihoon was very insecure and still you had no idea why. Jihoon, clueless of how to react turned on the radio. Just as he turned it on, some romantic song started its tunes; he looked at you and smiled awkwardly. He turned the radio off and popped a random comment,  "I'll just get some things from the back..." he stuttered. He got up from the car and went to do something at the back. In the meanwhile, you were adjusting your wet skirt and you just wished you hadn't worn that skirt. He came back and this time something was stuck in his hair. "There's something in your hair!" You said. Jihoon brushed his hands through his wet hair trying to remove it. "Mind if I help?" You asked. Jihoon immediately agreed and asked you to come at the side of the driver's  seat, where he was sitting. You were getting even more soaked in the rain, so Jihoon asked you to sit on his lap while you removed the sticky thing off his hair. After removing the thing from Jihoon's hair, you were trying to take your place at the passenger's seat but Jihoon was holding your waist. "There's something in your eyes!" He said. "Huh? What?"

"Close your eyes and I'll remove it..." Jihoon ordered. You close your eyes and Jihoon slowly rested his forehead on yours causing you to flutter your eyes open. His left hand made its way to your right cheek and he caressed it. You slightly bent down to look at Jihoon as when you were sitting on him, you were at higher level compared to him. You could see sparks in Jihoon's eyes and that's what made him special. You looked at Jihoon's rosy lips and so did Jihoon at his turn. He leaned in. Both of you were only centimetres from each other that you could feel Jihoon's  minty breath on your cheek. Suddenly Jihoon's ringing phone interrupted you and you quickly pulled apart from him.

"Maybe next time" He stated

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