Ong Seongwoo

433 8 2

f it i'm still confused with his name
this was drafted (winter)

"Everyone please remain indoors. The storm is approaching, and your safety is the main priority," the news reporter announced on television.

You and Seongwoo were cuddled together on the couch under a blanket, the fireplace running and keeping you even warmer. "Guess we are stuck like this for the next few hours." Seongwoo states. He digs his face into your hair and leaves a kiss there before getting up.

"You already got up?" You tease.

"(y/n), do you want food or not?" He asks, looking over his shoulder at you. He is standing in sweatpants and a tight fit shirt that outlines his muscles.

"Yes please love." You reply in a loving voice with a smile. He snickers and shakes his head before continuing his walk to the kitchen.

You take the opportunity and get up as well, taking the blanket with you. You remove the blinds from the window and watch as the white particles make their way through the sky. It had begun to snow that morning, and the ground was already covered. You stood there watching until a few minutes later, the blanket is taken from your body exposing you to the colder outside. You turn around to see Seongwoo wrapping it around himself. He hands you the box he was holding; it contains various chocolates. He then wraps his arms around you. You lean back into him.

"It's beautiful." You say to him in a whisper.

"Yes, it is." He replies, looking at you. You blush and place your lips on his.

The next morning, you awake to an unfamiliar silence. It was usually quiet in your apartment, besides the light snoring from Seongwoo, but this was too quiet.

"Seong-" you start to say your boyfriend's name, rolling over to wake him up, but instead you find yourself talking to an empty room. Where is he? You think to yourself.

You remove the covers, expecting the cold, but you are met with even more warmth. You make your way out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Seongwoo isn't there either. You search the house for your boyfriend, but he isn't in any of the rooms.

"Seongwoo?" You desperately scream, the panic already flowing through you faster than the blood in your veins. "Seongwoo!" You try again, but still no reply. You frantically go from room to room. You are passing the front door when something catches your eye. There is a note taped to the door. It reads 'come outside'. The handwriting looks like Ong's, and relief fills your body, replacing the worry. You back to the room you share with Seongwoo and change into clothes suitable for the weather. Then you proceed outside as instructed.

You are met with a bitter cold slap in the face, but when you inhale, the familiar smell of winter soothes you. You look around in search of Seongwoo, but he is still nowhere in sight. You look in the snow to find footprints, and next to them are words engraved in the snow. 'Follow my footsteps'. Again, you do as you are told.

You take careful steps in the 12-inch deep snow, exactly where the footprints are. They lead you to the back of the building complex. When you reach there, there isn't a second of time to react. Seongwoo pelts a snowball at you then ducks back behind his fort. You gasp in horror and wipe the snow from your now damp hair.

"You wanna play that game? Let's play." You say. You head over to your own fort that Seongwoo was kind enough to build for you. He sees you, and at the last second you duck behind it, a snowball missing your head by a centimeter. You grab a handful of snow and compact it easily into a perfect snowball. You peer around the edge of your fort and wait until you see Seongwoo. When he finally appears, you chuck the snowball with all your might. It hits him square in the shoulder.

"Wow!" You hear him yell in surprise. You laugh the evilest laugh you can conjure. When Seongwoo ducks behind his fort again, you take the opportunity and run as fast as you can in the deep snow to the nearby tree. You look around the trunk and see Seongwoo in a ready position. He is looking the other way so you quietly start to run again, all the way to the other tree behind him.

"(y/n), come out come out wherever you are!" He taunts you. He ducks back behind his fort, thinking you will be looking out to throw a snowball. He crawls over to the other side and looks over that edge instead. You try not to make any noise as you make your way over to him, following footsteps he took before. You pause when they end and you are trapped with nowhere to go. You are two steps away from him. He turns to hide behind the fort one last time, and you make a quick decision.

You take the two steps needed to reach him. Seongwoo hears the crunching of the snow and whirls around, but it's too late. You lunge forward and tackle him right onto his fort. It breaks and sends you both rolling into the snow. You laugh as you lay on your back next to him. He gets up and fakes pain and sadness.

"Noooooo!" He screams, dramatically falling to his knees that sink into the snow. He looks at you with squinted eyes. "You.." He murmurs.

"Uh oh..." You say. You struggle to get up, but the snow makes it hard. When you finally manage to scramble to your feet, it takes you another moment to regain your balance. You are laughing so hard your stomach begins to hurt. You try to take a step but Seongwoo has already reached you. He picks you up by the legs and hauls you over his shoulder.

"Ahh, Seongwoo!" You scream, still trying to regain your breath from the laughter.

He takes you inside, all the way up to your apartment, and then puts you back down on the floor. He grabs your waist, pulling you into him. His smile warms you up.

"Just kidding!" He exclaims. He kisses you once and begins to peel off the layers that are covered in snow. You follow suit, and when you are both done, you lie down on the couch, using Seongwoo's legs as a pillow. He puts on 'Money Heist' through Netflix and you binge watch for the rest of the day.

anyone been here since day1?
i mean did anyone of you readers started reading this imagine from 2017?

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