𝖎. yikes!

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chapter one,yikes!

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chapter one,

         THE COOLNESS OF October woke Marleen up. She liked the cold, but sometimes it became unbearable, and she didn't like it. She would wake up with her hands freezing and she wouldn't feel her nose, but after all those years of them not being capable of affording to have the heating on all day (or half of it, for that matter), she was used to it. Marleen looked at the watch on her nightstand. It read 6:30 am.

"Fuck!" Marleen whined, bothered by the fact that she woke up early and, with some difficulty, got out of bed.

Marleen went to the bathroom, singing softly some Frank Sinatra songs that she and her brother listened to almost every day. She brushed her teeth and brushed her hair, still sleepy. She came back to her room and changed into the outfit she left prepared the night before (which consisted of an old band tee from her brother, some light wash jeans, and her trusty black boots) and hurried to the kitchen, where she saw her brother, cooking their breakfast.

"You're up early," He observed, flipping the French toast. Dean pointed, then, to the coffee machine. "There's fresh coffee there."

Marleen grinned, kissing her brother on the cheek and murmuring a soft thank you before pouring coffee on a mug. "The cold woke me up." She responded, sitting on the chair next to the stove. "So..." Marleen began, "you know how every Halloween we stay in and watch some horror movie?" She said as she began fidgeting.

Watching movies on Halloween had become an important part of their lives since it was one of the very few nights that Dean didn't have to go to work. They would lie down on the sofa and would watch whatever horror movie was playing on the TV. It has been a family tradition ever since they ended up alone, after all, it was what brought them closer after their father's death and their mother's abandonment.

"Yes...?" Dean said, coming off more like a question than an affirmation.

The blonde sighed, looking at her brother's eyes and blurting out, "Well, um... Jon wants me to go with him and the party to trick or treat and then go to his place."

Well, there goes nothing. Dean may love the Byers but leaving his little sister alone with a guy -even though that guy is Jonathan Byers, Marleen's best friend since kindergarten and like a brother to him? No way. But if anything, Marleen is persuasive.

Dean's eyebrows shot up to his hairline in surprise. "I don't know, Lee." He sighed. "Will Joyce and Bob be there?" Dean asked.


"Dean!" Marleen exclaimed, disgust clear on her face, maybe even a little bit exaggerated. "Jon is just my friend! Besides, he still likes Nancy, you know this." She explained rolling her eyes at the thought of Jon and Nancy. God, they were pathetic! It was so obvious that Jonathan liked Nancy and that Nancy also liked Jonathan, but Steve Harrington was in the way. Sometimes Marleen felt bad for the older teen, he was head over heels for Nancy.

ISN'T SHE LOVELY ━ steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now