𝖝𝖎. light her up

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chapter eleven,light her up

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chapter eleven,
light her up.

         MARLEEN WASN'T FIT for driving because of the blurriness on her sight and the fact that she didn't even have her license, so, obviously, the next best choice was Max.

The ride was uncomfortable. Max was driving (if it could've been called that) with Lucas as her co-pilot. On the back seat was Mike with Marleen next to him, who had Steve's head resting on her lap, and Dustin next to him. Mike was holding a can of gasoline.

It was minutes later when Steve began to regain consciousness. Marleen was the first one to notice.

"Hey, big boy." Marleen whispered, voice getting drowned by the roar of the engine but by the twinkle in Steve's eyes, she was sure he heard her.

Steve gave her a little smile, still half out of it, when his eyes shot out of their sockets.

"Who's driving?" He asked Marleen, voice cracking. It seemed that the action was too much, as he grunted and went to touch his broken nose.

Before Marleen could tell the truth, Dustin realized that Steve was awake and began talking.

"No, don't touch it," Dustin ordered softly as if he was talking to a baby. Steve turned towards the curly boy. "Hey, buddy..." He shushed, for some reason. "It's okay. You put up a good fight." Steve blinked dumbfounded. "He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. You're okay."

Steve grunted as Lucas started to guide Max again. It made Steve return to his first question. Confusion appeared on his beaten-up face.

"What's going on?" Steve asked, voice still hoarse. Max turned around resulting in Steve starting to freak out. "Oh, my God!"

"Just relax. She's driven before," Dustin tried to reassure him, to no avail.

"Yeah, in a parking lot," Mike retorted pissed off.

"That counts," Lucas answered Mike in the same tone.

Dustin ignored them and continued trying to calm Steve. "Marleen couldn't drive and they were gonna leave you behind. I promised you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin rose his voice to drown Steve's swearing.

Max sped up causing Steve to scream and freak out even more. Marleen, on the other hand, threw her head on the headrest and sighed as everyone around her shouted.

After breaking a couple of mailboxes and a sign, the car came to a stop.

The kids were the first to leave the car as Marleen helped Steve to get up, which was resulting in a difficult task.

"You worried me, you idiot," Marleen whispered to the older teen when they got out.

Steve, who was propped between the car and Marleen so he wouldn't leave all of his weight on the blonde, laughed. "M'Sorry, Lee," Steve mumbled, the nickname causing Marleen's heart to flutter.

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