𝖎𝖛. jonathan and nancy

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chapter four,jonathan and nancy

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chapter four,
jonathan and nancy.

         MARLEEN HADN'T SEEN Jonathan Byers since yesterday morning and it was freaking her out. Her mind wandered into terrible thoughts. Anxiety was creeping into her body as she scanned the hallways.

Marleen was aware of Will's episode the day before -Dean told her, who was told by Joan, which made her nerves grow even more.

She was beginning to fidget, removing the black nail polish with her own nails.

It was last period already (her and Jonathan's free period) and she hadn't seen Jonathan -or Nancy for that matter, since yesterday. A thought occurred to her while passing the gym and seeing Steve.

Waiting at the door of the boy's locker room she saw them giving her weird looks as they left but she ignored them as soon as she realized they weren't Steve.

"Hey," A strong and deep voice startled her. Marleen turned to her right, not having noticed the boy next to her, and rolled her eyes at the sight of the new kid. "I'm Billy." He flashed her a grin that made Marleen want to throw up.

"Cool." Marleen murmured. The boy –Billy, made her uncomfortable with his mere presence, and Marleen prayed silently for Steve to come out soon.

And just as Billy was opening his mouth to say something else, Steve appeared. He observed Billy and Marleen with furrowed brows and upside-down lips.

Marleen wished she could hug Steve.

The three teenagers kept staring at each other without saying anything for a couple of seconds more before Steve addressed Marleen.

"What are you doing here, Marleen?"

It was there that Marleen could see Steve properly, his exhausted face still with wrinkled eyebrows and body slumped as if he wanted to leave and never come back to school.

Marleen apparently took too long to answer, making Billy butt in. "Shit, Harrington. You with blondie over here?" His voice was amused but the evil grin dancing through his lips made Marleen even more nervous. "You really do move on quickly."

The comment made Steve tense more –if that was even possible. Marleen huffed and grabbed Steve's forearm before he could make things worse.

"Look, asshole." She looked at Billy with a scowl on her face. "It's none of your fucking business if he's with me or not, which we aren't, by the way. So, why don't you get the fuck out before I make you?" The nervousness that was on her body was quickly turning into anger making her want to sock the dickhead in front of her.

Billy laughed, making Marleen even more furious. "Put away your claws, kitten. I'll leave you two to it."

He winked at them before turning around and leaving. The nonchalant energy while he left, was enough for Marleen to want to punch the wall but stopped herself before she could.

Steve was still quiet and Marleen hated it.

"Um..." Marleen began saying, feeling way too self-conscious as seconds passed. "Shit, never mind." She turned to leave, deciding to just go to the Byers' at the end of the day when Steve's hand wrapped around her shoulder, making her stop.

"Jonathan and Nancy skipped school yesterday. She isn't here either." Steve said. Brown eyes sparkled under the fluorescent lights of the hall. "They're probably together on another adventure of theirs," The bitterness in Steve's tone made Marleen shiver.

But Jonathan wouldn't leave her like that, right? He was her best friend. They told each other everything.

      An insecure and watery laugh came from Marleen's mouth as her eyes began to gleam with tears unwilling to fall. "No..." She said, her voice coming out too vulnerable for her liking. "Jonathan wouldn't leave like that without telling me."

She saw as Steve's eyes went from exhausted and sad to something else. It took her a minute to realize it was one of pity.

She didn't need pity from Steve Harrington.

Without saying anything else, she turned around, her eyes stinging and throat feeling like it was being pressed, and left. She could hear Steve call for her a couple of times but she didn't stop.

Her thoughts were running wild. She was sure that Jonathan wouldn't ever leave her out of something. Hell, when he started to hunt the Demogorgon with Nancy, Marleen was the first (and only) person they told. She also thought that she and Nancy were becoming something like friends. Apparently not.

Without barely noticing, she found herself in one of the few parks in Hawkins. And as she sat down on a bench she couldn't help but feel betrayed by her best friend.


i know this is shorter but i didn't wanted to drag it on.

next episode may have dustin!! i'm super excited to write the chemistry between the three of them!

please vote and comment!! xx

please vote and comment!! xx

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