𝖎𝖝. eleven

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chapter nine,eleven

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chapter nine,

         THE CHIEF BEGAN emptying the shed behind the Byers' house, throwing everything on the lawn, while Steve and Nancy tried to make it unrecognizable for the Mind Flayer.

The two were in silence for most of the work until Nancy sighed.

"Hey," Nancy blurted out, turning her body to face Steve. "What you did, um, helping the kids..." Nancy trailed off awkwardly. "That was... Really cool." she smiled at him.

"Yeah," Steve murmured. "Those little shits are real trouble, you know? Plus, Marleen helped," He said as he continued working.

Nancy laughed and nodded. "Believe me, I know." She turned to watch him again, wondering if she should bring Marleen up or not.

She decided not to.

         Marleen and Dean we're sitting on the steps of the porch. Marleen wanted to help the others but Joyce and Dean made her sit down with Dean watching her. They were next to each other with Marleen's head leaning against Dean's shoulder.

"How are you?" Marleen asked him, eyes not leaving the moon.

Dean snorted. "I should be asking that," He stayed quiet for a moment. "I'm okay." He said truthfully.


The siblings sat there in silence for some time, watching the moon. Marleen's leg felt better, she could move now and it didn't hurt, thanks to the painkiller.

"What's up with that boy?" Dean asked suddenly. "Steve?"

Marleen felt the air leave her lungs. "What? Nothing!" She shrieked, making Dean laugh. "He just helped me." She defended herself.


Marleen sighed. When she saw Dean outside the Lab, she knew he didn't happen to be there by accident, she knew he went with Joan. And maybe Joan was an amazing, strong woman but the simple fact that she left Dean (and her) made Marleen hostile towards her.

"Are you and Joan together again?" She asked, twirling her thumbs in anticipation.

She heard Dean sigh deeply. "No," He whispered. A moment passed. "We talked about it. She wants to leave Hawkins again; I don't." Dean explained.

"Is it because of me?"

Dean's head whipped to the side, almost giving her whiplash, and watched Marleen in surprise but her gaze was stuck on the ground.

ISN'T SHE LOVELY ━ steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now