𝖝𝖎𝖎𝖎. summertime

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chapter thirteen,summertime

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chapter thirteen,

  EIGHT MONTHS HAD passed since Eleven closed the Gate and everything was going as well as it could. Eleven had properly and legally moved to live with Chief Hopper; Jonathan and Nancy began dating; a mall opened up in Hawkins, causing Steve to get a job there; Marleen, on the other hand, had gotten a job in a small convenience store near the outskirts of town.

The job wasn't that bad. She usually worked at night, which allowed her to spend the day with either Jonathan and Nancy or Steve and his co-worker, Robin.

Marleen had recognized Robin from High School but had never talked to the girl- Robin being a year younger and all, so when she visited Steve on his first day of work and saw the younger girl, Marleen introduced herself. After that, the two became friends.

Marleen found herself hanging out with Steve at his place more often than not. She knew about Steve's feeling of being alone, so when she was alone herself with Dean away working, she went to Steve's.

Those nights were spent talking and watching movies. Marleen had shown him a few of her favorite movies (one of them being Alien, of course) and even though Steve didn't like most of them, he still watched them with her.

Since summer started, Jonathan and Nancy got a job as interns at the Hawkins Post, working alongside Jonathan's sister –Joan.
Talking about Joan was a subject that Marleen had been trying to accommodate herself on. The girl had been passing much more time at the Richards' household, hanging with Dean when they could. It made Marleen a bit uncomfortable sometimes, she didn't understand how Dean could be so forgiving but she was working on forgiving Joan as well.

Now, Marleen was working in the convenience store. Her boss had asked her to work that morning, and so she did. It was a hot, sunny day in Hawkins and her job didn't have any air conditioner - only a small fan at the counter. It was already nearing six in the evening and they had had a total of three customers all day.

Her boss, Mr. Jefferson –a fifty-nine-year-old man, was in the backroom while she waited on the counter, a magazine sprawled on top of it as Marleen read it.

Half an hour passed when Marleen's boss stepped out of the office sighing.

"Don't think anyone's coming, kid." He said, voice wobbly due to age. "You can go and hang out with your boyfriend."

Mr. Jefferson had met Steve once or twice when he came to pick up Marleen if she got out of work too late, and ever since, the old man called Steve her boyfriend –even though Marleen had told him multiple times that he was not.

Trying to ignore the blush on her cheeks, Marleen shook her head. "I don't mind staying a bit more, Mr. Jefferson." Then added, "I'll have to wait too. Jonathan is picking me up in an hour."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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