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Y/N Pov

My alarm clock went off with its usual sound to wake me up in the morning. DNA. But this time it's different. I'm not doing the usual groan I do as I wake up in the morning, this time my dreams are going to come true I'm going to meet BTS. I'm so excited I practically jump out of bed and get ready to go. I put a comfy but cute outfit on; perfect for airport fashion. I pack any last essentials and I quickly write the note for Thomas so he knows what to do, it's not like there's a lot to do so its mostly ground rules. Then a swanky car pulls up outside my house. And Kira and Leila are outside my house with there bags and stuff. I walk outside the door and the driver helps us with our bags.

Time skip

We're at the airport. We have a couple of hours till our flight so we do a bit of shopping. We buy a lot of unnecessary products from duty-free and get something to eat. We then hear a tannoy telling us we should make our way down to where our plane is boarding. We wait there for a bit; getting a few snacks from the vending machine. After a while of just sitting around, we are then told to go and board. We line up in a queue waiting to get on a plane then a member of staff comes up to us and asks to see our boarding passes. We pull out our boarding passes to show the lady, her eyes widen "Oh girls I'm sorry to tell you this but your waiting in the wrong queue, you're meant to be in the first class queue over there let me take you there." She points in the direction of the other queue "Sorry what do you mean sorry." Leila says laughing through her words, we all start laughing including the lady. We walk over to the other much shorter queue. She waves goodbye and walks away. We all stand in the queue which is much faster and before you know it was boarding the plane as we walk into first-class we gasp at how beautiful it is "uhh guys I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting trip," Kira says. We all giggle and nod in agreeance. Then I stop laughing because I see someone I didn't want to see for a while. AJ my ex. Ugh I hate him he was so pervy...anyways I broke up with him and I could see his evil girlfriend Becky...ugh she's such a fucking bitch she used to bully me in school. What the hell are they doing here? I think to myself. Suddenly A.J walks over to me and I look away hoping he would think that he had made a mistake and that it wasn't me but nope, of course with my luck he carries on walking over and goes and grab my boob and squeezes it and I gasp "WTF A.J WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, WE'RE NOT TOGETHER ANYMORE LIKE AND EVEN IF WE WERE WHICH WERE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE I WOULDN'T LET YOU DO THAT WILLINGLY EVEN THOUGH YOU WOULD STILL GROPE ME. GO BACK TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND! WHY ARE YOU HERE ANYWAY!?" I say slapping his hand away. He chuckles to himself "Nice to see you to whore. I see your still a feisty slut I like that. I might not be able to keep it in my pants. Anywho, why I'm here is because I won a BTS competition. I came second so yah. I saw you won it, well-done hoe, that dance was quite something, well I guess I should get off." He starts to walk away and goes over to Becky and grabs her tit. I look away disgusted uh because we're in first class Kira and Leila weren't there to back me up. I'm annoyed by the fact he's going to be in the M/V but luckily we won't have to hang around with them because they won't be around, as they will be in a hotel. I'm taken out of my trance because of my phone buzzes

Leila: OMFG was that A.J

Y/N: yes.

Y/N: *-*

Kira: WTF he grabbed your boob. dickhead

Leila: Watch I'll fight him later

Kira: I can't believe he's in the M/V ugh

Y/N: You heard that

Leila: Yes.

Kira: Yes.

I look back at them and smile awkwardly. Then I hear the Captain's announcement " Hello there and Welcome to Andy Airlines. Yeah and blah blah some hot air hostesses will do some safety thing. Any cute girls are allowed to come and see me after the flight. Ohh yes and hey to my brother A.J. Okay that's its baiiii~." The captain Andy says I think to myself what type of pilot is this and then I remember. Of course, it would be stupid and pervy Andy as he's A.J's brother. I soon drift off to sleep.


We get off the plane. I sigh. That plane was the prettiest house I've ever been to and it's not even a house. To be honest I don't actually know where we're going. I don't know what I was expecting. A sign? A note? Something???? But no nothing. I start to panic. What if it was all fake and it was just a prank. Oh gosh, what have I done? I start to hyperventilate. Kira and Leila look at me weirdly. "What's wrong? Are you seriously fangirling already?" Kira asks. "W-where are they?" I ask. "Um...there right over there. Didn't you notice the limo and the army's dying in the corner?" Leila asks. "Oh yeah," I mutter. I just hyperventilate more. Omg. Bts. And. Me. In. A. Limo. Together. And I guess Kira and Leila too... Damn death is fab! How are Leila and Kira acting so cool about this??? Little do you know that there internally fangirling and screaming. We walk over to the limo. Naturally, I trip on my feet. A pale pair of hands grab me. All I can see is blue. Holy flip the smurfs have taken over?!?! ( I hate the fucking Smurfs.) I quickly realise that it's none other than my bias. Yoongi. He pulls me into the limo. Leila and Kira are already inside. I see them nudging each other. "Wow, I can't believe how you accidentally tripped," Leila says and winks at me. "Luckily Yoongi was there to save you," Kira says and smirks. I scowl at then before diverting my attention to Yoongi. He's on his phone. Really?!?! No hey how are you or hi what's up. Nope? Well okay. I look around the limo. I see Leila sat between Jin and Jungkook, Kira sat between Namjoon and Hoseok meanwhile I'm sat between Yoongi and Jimin whilst Taehyung is standing with his head out the window and waving at everyone he sees. I decide to creepily stare at Yoongi as I'm too anti-social to do anything else.

Kira's POV

I. See. Candy. From skittles to starburst to strawberry laces. I look at Leila. She looks at me. We nod in agreement. We start eating lots of candy whilst secretly stashing some in our pockets. I feel a bit odd but I decide to ignore it. Despite being strong introverts Leila and I try to engage in conversation with Bts. "Hi..." I say awkwardly. "Hi," RM says. "Heylo jungkook. Wait... no. I was going to say hey but then I wanted to say hello but it came out like halo then again you do look like an angel." Leila rambles. "Did you say that I look like an angel?" Jungkook says bewildered. "What no! I said do you want a bagel...cause you know...bagels are nice" Leila mutters. Oh gosh, she needs to be stopped. "Anyways. Where are we going?" I ask to change the subject. "Oh you won't find out as we drugged the candy so you'll be out for a bit but it'll wear off later," Jimin says. "Wait for what!?!?!" I say bewildered. I start to get lightheaded. No Kira! Do not fall on namjoon's lap! DO NOT FALL ON NAMJOON'S LAP!!! I fall on namjoons lap. The last thing I see is his di...amond ring.

End of POV


Yoongi finally acknowledges my existence after 20 minutes of creepily staring at him. "God Damn why don't you try the skittles already," he says annoyed. I didn't even realise that there were sweets in the limo. I see Kira soundlessly sleeping on namjoons lap and Leila sleeping on Jungkook's shoulder. "Um... aren't you gonna move Kira's head off of your lap?" I ask concerned. His face goes 50 different shades of red. He quickly yet gently removes her head from his lap and places it on his shoulder instead. He clears his throat " I was going to move her head I swear" he says. "Yh sure you were you perv," I say while wiggling my eyebrows. He's now resembling a tomato. " I'm just kidding Namjoon," I say. "Anyways you look hungry" jin chirps. "Nah I'm okay," I say. I can't read the expression on their faces but they almost seem annoyed. "Oh, I wish I knew a girl who appreciated skittles. I'd marry her in a second" yoongi says and sighs. I quickly stuff a handful of skittles in my mouth. "Well done," yoongi says sarcastically. "You just got tricked into being drugged," he says with a smirk. "Don't worry it'll wear off later?" Jimin says. "W-what" I stutter. I start to get dizzy. Pain spreads across my forehead as it comes in contact with yoongi. Oops... I think as the last thing I hear is him scream out in pain.

A/N Hope you liked this chapter you finally met BTS yay you Woop Woop and yes A.J sleeps around a lot

A/N yay! 1600 and something words. Can't wait for the next chapter lol this fanfic is not going how you thought it was going to go. Lmao.

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