Chapter 40: Sky High

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"Get the fuck up we are leaving in an hour!" A voice shouts. "What the fuck is this prison?!?!" Yoongi groans. His arm wraps around my waist as he hugs me tighter. "This is Namjoon telling you, you need to get up otherwise we will miss the flight. And anyway it's like 4 pm why are you guys sleeping?" Namjoon continues."In my defence I'm pregnant," I but in. "Fair enough," Namjoon chuckles. "Okay we're naked and we're getting up only to stop you flirting with Y/N," Yoongi says. "Okay okay I'm going," Namjoon says backing into the door and then awkwardly side-stepping to reopen the door just to back out into the hallway and then shut the door with an awkward laugh.


We straighten our clothes and meet Namjoon outside the door. "Have you guys packed?" He asks. "No we decided that we didn't need clothes and that we might as well walk the streets naked," Yoongi says. I nudge him. "Yes, we packed," I say. "Oh my lord, you're alive!" Leila yells as she runs up to me and hugs me. "Huh?" I ask. "What? I haven't seen you for hours," Leila explains. "Oh right sorry," I say as I nervously laugh. "Anyways how's my niece/nephew doing in there," she says poking my shoulder. "Uh good, I guess," I say. "Hey remember to always teach her who her favourite aunt is," Leila says with a wink. "Who Kira? Okay, sure I will," I say with a smirk. "Ha!" Kira shouts fist bumping me. "Ooh, that cold. Very cold. I see how it is," Leila says with a fake offence. "Sorry, Leila but you didn't stand a chance," Yoongi interrupts. "'ll see," Leila says shaking her head.

Leila POV

I need to be favourite aunt.

End of POV

Time Skip


We're at the door saying our goodbyes to Aunt Ruby. She hugs me tightly. "Don't doubt yourself, hun. You're going to be great. But your baby isn't like most others, it's special." She says winking. Uhhhh can't people talk normally? I smile "I'm going to miss you." I say hugging her tightly. She smiles warmly as the car pulls up to take us to the airport. We all file into the car (Yoongi helps me get in) and wave through windows as the car starts to drive away.

The drive is silent. We finally pull up the airport we thank the driver and wait to be greeted by the staff to help us through the airport. The staff arrive and take our bags and the guide takes through security and takes us to the VIP lounge where he leaves us with a smile. Taehyung goes a little with personal shopping buying a lot of new Gucci clothing. We order a bit of food before being informed of the plane is ready to board. We follow a member of staff to a car which then drives us to the foot of our plane which we are first to board. I'll never get used to first class.

Yoongi pulls me away from the others into a more private part of the plane. "Yoongi what are you doing?" I question. "Spending time with my baby girls," he says as he wraps his arms around me and rests his hands on my belly. "How do you know it's going to be a girl?" I ask softly. "I just have a feeling," he mumbles into my neck. He leaves light feather kisses on my neck and collarbone. "I love you," I say. "I love you too," he says into my ear. "And I love you as well," he says as he caresses my baby bump. A smile spreads across my face as thoughts of the future begin floating around. And I know for once that I'm truly going to be happy.

End of POV

Kira POV

I lightly rest my head on the window of the plane. I have the urge to stick my arm out and touch the sky. My whole body buzzes with anticipation. Would it hurt to try? My fingers stretch out towards the glass- the only thing stopping me from getting what I want.

"Kira?" I jump in shock. It feels like I've been snatched out of a faraway dream. "Yes," I say as casually as possible. "What were you doing?" Namjoon asks me softly. His eyes are focused on mine with attentiveness. He's worried. "It's just that the view is so amazing. I was captivated," I say with a forced laugh. "It is pretty amazing isn't it," he says as he leans over to look at all the tiny people and faraway places. "Yeah," I sigh. I continue looking up at the sky just as Namjoon looks down at the ground. "Have you ever wondered what could be hidden in the earth?" Namjoon asks as his gaze brushes over me. "No. Not really," I muttered absently. "Why not?" He asks curiously. "There's not much mystery to the earth. The real mystery is in the sky," I say. "Well you'd be surprised," he says as he wraps an arm around me. I hum in response. "Kira, is everything okay with you?" Namjoon asks quietly. "Yeah everything's great with me," I say turning towards him. "You seem so distracted," he says as he brushes my hair behind my ear. "You worry too much," I say as I poke him in the shoulder. "Yeah well I get paid to worry," he retorts. "Well you don't get paid to worry about me," I point out. "Doesn't stop me from doing it though," he says poking me back. "Well, you don't need to worry," I say forcing a smile. "Sure I do," he says poking me. "No, you don't," I say. "Umm yeah do," he says poking me again. "Namjoon I said no," I repeat. "Why not?" He asks poking me again. "Namjoon can you stop fucking poking me!" I snap. For a second Namjoon looks completely taken aback. His eyes are widened and his lips are slightly spread apart. "I...I'm sorry," he says slowly. "I thought that we were just playing around," he continues. "It's fine...I'm going to go to sleep," I mumble as I turn away from Namjoon. "Kira?" Namjoon says. I stay silent. I hear him release a deep sigh before turning away from me.

End of POV

Jimin POV

I mindlessly drum my fingers on the window. I'm bored beyond belief and desperate to get out of here. "So..." Tae says as he awkwardly clears his throat. Oh lord not now. "How have you been?" He asks. "Crying all day and all night as my heart shatters just by the sound of your name," I mumble. "Since when were you sarcastic?" Tae asks a little taken aback. "Since when did it matter?" I bite back. "Ok Jimin I know that you're pissed at me for breaking up with you but-" He can't be serious now. "Not everything is about you Taehyung," I mumble. "Okay I'm sorry that came out wrong," Taehyung quickly says. "I just want to know what's up with you. Just because we're not together doesn't mean that I don't care anymore," Taehyung says softly as he touches my shoulder. "Thanks, Taehyung. That's truly touching of you but right now I just can't okay," I say as I run my fingers through my hair. "Fine then. If you're not going to talk to me at least talk to someone else," Taehyung says with a sigh. "Okay," I say. "Okay," Taehyung repeats. I pull out my phone and look through my contacts until I find her name. I simply type "I need to talk to you ASAP" before I put on a film to watch for the rest of the journey.

End of POV

Leila POV

There's so much tension between everyone. So much has been going on yet before it was masked by petty dramas and fooling around. But now? it's like it can't be ignored. I know I'm as ignorant about what's going down just as everybody else yet I know that something is going down. I'm trying to laugh and make everyone at least smile but it all just seems forced.

I look around at everyone. Namjoon and Kira are turned away from each other and Taehyung and Jimin are practically scowling at each other. The only people who seem happy are Jin and Hoseok who seem completely oblivious and Y/N and Yoongi who can't stand to be away from each other. I turn my gaze to Jungkook who is peacefully sleeping. His lips are slightly spread apart and his hair is dipping towards his eyes. I gently brush his hair back only to find that his head feels really hot. "Jungkook," I say shaking him slightly. "Mhm," he mumbles. "Jungkook your burning up again," I say. "It's just a fever," he murmurs sleepily. "Then why does it just come and go?" I question. "I don't know," he says. "Is there something I can do to help?" I ask. "Come here," he says. He wraps an arm around me as I rest my head on his shoulder. "It always gets better when I'm next to you," he says softly. I lightly hum in response as I snuggle into him. "Leila...can I ask you something?" He asks. "Yeah sure," I mumble. "What is Y/N?" He asks. My whole body goes rigid in that instant. "W-what do you mean?" I stammer as I curse myself for stuttering. "You can't just get pregnant and then a month later look ready to pop the baby out," Jungkook says seemingly more awake. "You need to talk to Yoongi and Y/N about that Kook. I can't tell you," I say. "You can't tell me or you won't tell me?" Jungkook asks. "Both," I simply say. And that's the truth. I won't tell him because it's not my place to tell and I can't tell him because I don't fully understand it myself. I've been researching and researching for hours and hours when everyone's asleep yet none of it adds up. "I understand," Jungkook says. "I love you," he mumbles into my hair. "I love you too," I whisper as I clasp his hand. I close my eyes as thoughts of succubus and drowning flood my thoughts. So many secrets kept there eating away at me. If only I knew what any of them meant.

End of POV


Yoongi POV

We straighten our clothes as we board off the plain and grab our luggage. "Does everyone have everything?" Jin asks. "Yep," everyone says. Jin nods as we walk over to a limo. We all pile in. The drive is silent yet again except a few comments about missing home and being glad to be back. Soon we're home and we all come out of the car with our luggage and into the house. "Y-yoongi," Y/N stutters. "Yeah?" I ask. "The baby's coming," Y/N says urgently.

A/N: Sorry for the late update and I hope you're having an awesome sauce festa. And you love: LoveYourSelf Tear as much we do xx

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