Chapter 35: It takes two to tango

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Leila POV

I watch as Y/N leaves to go back to the bathroom. I took a control test for her and it came back negative. Which means it's probably accurate. As soon as she's gone I jump to my laptop as I continue researching succubi. Clearly, half the stuff on the Internet can't be true as Y/N doesn't have those things...I think.

So if succubus is real that means incubus have to be real too. The thing is...succubus can't get humans at least. None of this is making sense. I skim read through different websites yet they all tell the same tale of how cambion is made.

The succubus has sex with a human male, she collects his semen, she gives the semen to an incubus and the incubus impregnates a human woman with the semen that the succubus collected.

I doubt Y/N is doing all of that. Does she even know any local incubus? Either way. Y/N can't be pregnant. It has to be a fever and she's probably just overreacting. I mean if she was pregnant it couldn't be with a human it's impossible. And if...if she is pregnant. Either her Aunt has been lying to her and she's not a succubus and in fact, something else or Yoongi's not human.

My imagination takes over as I imagine Yoongi as a vampire. Dark raven hair and black piercing eyes along with pale white skin. All he'd have to do is dye his hair black and have sharp canines and I think I could see it. Okay, stop Leila. Your getting carried away. Yoongi is not a vampire. You've just been reading too many supernatural books as per usual. And even if he was. Vampires can't have children either.

Maybe I should stop. This isn't really my territory. The only thing I know about the supernatural world is from the Internet, TV and books. It's not like Scott McCall is real or Clary Fray. Both are just fiction. If Y/N wants to get me involved than she can but I shouldn't get too deep into it all. It could be dangerous and it's something I don't understand. So I shut my laptop and leave my room to find someone to talk with.

Everyone seems busy so instead, I just head out into the garden. I see Hoseok cross-legged and nurturing a flower. "Hi," I say slowly as I begin to approach him. "Oh hey Leila," he says brightly. "What are you doing out here alone?" I ask him curiously as I decide to sit beside him. "I feel best when I'm around nature. It's sort of comforting and familiar," he says with a smile. "How about you? Why are you out here?" He asks. "I guess I just wanted to talk to someone and then I found you," I say. "Why didn't you go to Jungkook?" He asks softly. "I couldn't find him," I say. Hoseok nods.

"Well we haven't really gotten to speak to each other much have we," Hoseok says with a laugh. "True," I say as I think about my relationship with all the guys. I'd say that aside from Jungkook I'm pretty close with Namjoon and Taehyung. As for Yoongi he's my best friends boyfriend so we have some kind of mutual respect for each other but I wouldn't say that he particularly likes me but we kind of get along occasionally so...semi-friends? Jimin and Jin I've spoken to a couple of times but as for Hoseok we never really had the chance. "Well let's start over," I quickly say. "I'm Leila," I say as I stretch my hand out towards him. "Hoseok but you can call me Hobi," he says with a grin. "Okay. Tell me something that nobody knows about you," I say. "Oh come on that's hard. I'm an open book. My whole life is practically on the Internet, " he points out. "Come on there must be something. What's your biggest fear?" I say. He pauses and thinks for a while as he loops his finger into a blade of grass. "My biggest fear is being buried alive," he says. "Seriously?" I question. "I may like nature but being surrounded by earth until I can't breathe is not something I'd be fond of," he says. "Yh right Of course. It's just that I half expected you to say being attacked by a giant snake," I say with a light laugh. Hoseok shivers slightly. "Trust me that's in the top 5, I hate snakeu," he says with a chuckle. I laugh along with him as he says the last part in English. This guy is such a meme. "Okay, your turn. What's your biggest fear?" He asks. "Drowning," I say immediately. "Is that why you can't swim? Because you're afraid to drown?" He asks. I nod my head. "It's weird. I actually love water but at the same time, it terrifies me," I say thoughtfully. "I can understand that," he says as he stares at the flower he was nurturing. For a second I think to ask him how he could relate with that but I decide not to push it in the end. "One more question," I say. "Go ahead," he says. "How are you so good at dancing?" I ask as I think of how amazing people look when they dance. Like Y/N in her audition and BTS in basically every MV. I loved seeing dance but could never...well actually do it. "You just need to move your body along with the beat of the music," he says simply. "You make that sound so easy," I say. "Come on," he says as he stands up. I stand up along with him. "I'll teach you," he says. "I'll don't think that's a good idea," I say nervously. "Oh come on its easy just copy me," he says. So despite lightly protesting and pointing out that there's no music I begin to copy Hoseok's movements. Before I know it I'm mirroring his movements and we're actually dancing. Hoseok plucks the flower he was nurturing and hands it to me. "In memory of your first dance lesson," he says. "T-tha *sneezes* t-thank y-you *sneezes* Hobi," I say in between sneezes. He quickly plucks the flower back out of my hand. "Your allergic aren't you," he says. "Yep. Aren't allergies just great," I mumbled sarcastically. I pluck the flower back out of his hand and put it behind his ear instead. "I think it looks better on you anyway," I say with a chuckle. "Really? How do I look?" He asks. "As angelic as always," I say. His face brightens at that. He looks up at the darkening sky. "I don't suppose you want to help me water the plants before we go inside," Hobi offers. "Isn't that Ruby's job?" I ask. "I asked her if I could do it," he says slowly. I nod my head as he hands me a watering can. As we water the plants-well me accidentally drowning them and Hoseok happily skipping around as he sprinkles just enough water over them-i get splashed with water. "Oh sorry," Hobi says. "It's fine," I mumble. I get splashed again. "Oops," he says. "Don't worry about it," I mumble. I spin around towards him to tell him that I finished when I see him holding his watering can directly towards me as he gets ready to splash me. "You were splashing me on purpose," I say darkly. He just winks at me before happily walking-okay we both know he's skipping-back to the house. I playfully roll my eyes and walk back to the house. Normally I'd chase Hoseok and corner him before splashing him with water but I've decided that I should be more mature.

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