Chapter 39: Cut the Crap

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I'm getting ready for the baby shower. I'm very nervous. Everyone who's anyone in the Kpop industry is going to be there. It's going to be the first time a load of these people see me. I mean it's just me amongst Idols, Models, Actors, Producers you name it, they are there. They are going to be networking and making connections. Most baby showers are just a few friends round for cake, not a party with DJs. Gosh. I stare at my outfit lying on the bed. I can't believe Yoongi bought it for me since I'm pregnant I'm only going to get to wear it a few times. I pull on the dress and try to zip up the back, I fail. "Need any help." A deep voice asks. I turn around to see Yoongi leaning against the wall. "How long have you been there," I say shocked. "Long enough to see what I want," He smirks doing up the back of my dress. "You perv," I spit. "Your cute when you're mad," He says squeezing my cheeks. "Shut it," I snap. "I am a pregnant lady don't push it," I laugh pushing Yoongi away. "If your not careful I will call Kira so she can hit you with her umbrella." I am in fits of laughter and so is Yoongi. I slide my shoes on. I and Yoongi walk down to the living room where everyone is waiting for us. "Did you still want me to hit him with my umbrella?" Kira giggles. "Wait- how could you- What." I stutter. "Walls are thin my friend," Leila butts in. I facepalm. We walk out to the limousine. "If you drug us again I'm going to fight." Leila and Kira threaten as we go in into the vehicle.

The drive takes about half an hour and when we arrive it seems that everyone else is there before us. "We're late for our own party," I said panicking. "Correction. Fashionably Late," Jin says with pride. "It means you and your baby bump. Can make an entrance," Taehyung says after. I nod as we walk out of the limo I see the massive beach house filled with lights and music. I start to walk with the others but Yoongi pulls me away. "Honey we are going this way," Yoongi says smiling. I sigh and follow him. I don't know why I'm just not in the best mood today. Yoongi seems to notice and pulls mine into a massive hug. He's so warm and comforting I almost instantly feel better. "I know you're scared. And trust me if you really don't want to do this I can call the whole thing off or at least tell them your sick. But I truly believe in you and I feel you can do this. And I know you may not feel like it every day and I know you sometimes feel like just getting up in the morning is impossible and filled with disappearing but when I say I promise you. You are beautiful and kind and funny and smart and I could go on forever. I Love You... remember it." Sometimes I don't understand how knows me so well. "How can you read me so well?" I say my voice muffled slightly by Yoongi's chest. "I just can. I've seen you at your worst and at your best. When you're uncomfortable you fiddle with your hands. I can tell when you've been crying because your eyes gloss over. I know when things have got really bad because your laughs sound fake and your smiles look fake as well. Your eyes look dark all the time and you will stare into space for ages. I know you Y/N," Yoongi says sincerely. "I trust you," I say staring into his eyes. "Come on then." Yoongi takes my hand and we walk through the back of the house. Yoongi talks to some guy who has a clipboard before we walk up the stairs. When we get to the top, the loud music turns down. I hear a few groans from the dance floor. Yoongi squeezes my small hand before we walk out onto the second floor overlooking everyone else. Everyone stares up at us. Yoongi coughs slightly to get everyone's attention. "Now you're all listening. I wanted to thank all of you for coming to our baby shower. For most of you standing here, it will be the first time you meet my girlfriend. Obviously, we are all in the same industry and we know rules: relationships such as mine and Y/N's are not meant to occur but in these circumstances and many discussions with bighit it has been allowed to carry on. However, we would still like to keep the relationship private so any pictures you may want to put on social media must not have anything which would allow for this to be publicised. We will try and meet you all but make sure not to stress Y/N out by crowding her. As this is not good for the baby or her own health. Okay, thank you for coming and have a good time. Anything you would like to say Y/N?" Yoongi says turning to me at the end. "Umm yeah. Hi, I'm Y/N. Well, I guess you worked that out now. I'm obviously the pregnant one. OMG, can I just say it's so bloody hard getting around like this gosh? But I just want to say like props to women cos as you men will never understand how hard this is so don't give me man flew shit okay." Everybody downstairs starts laughing. "But honestly guys like I'm so grateful for you coming to see me as it should really be me coming to see you since you're the stars here. Okay Thank you and have a great night." I smile and wave at them and the music is turned back up. Yoongi hugs me tightly. "Since when were you funny," Yoongi says smiling. "Since I decided to be," I say as we walk down the stairs. Once we're at the bottom we are in a crowd of bodies, I curse at myself for being so short. I grip tightly onto Yoongi's hand so I'm unable to lose him. I have to keep up with Yoongi as he talks to people about how he will manage with having a baby and continuing being an Idol. People praise him for being so diligent and how they couldn't even begin to imagine how hard that must be. I have been thinking a lot lately about what I'm going to do with my life because, in all honesty, this sounds bad but I don't want to be Yoongi's housewife. I want to do a lot more with my life than looking after kids and cooking meals. I respect for anyone, man or woman who decides to do that but it's just not for me. "Ugh, funny story. I don't like kids that much." The group of models, actors, idols, CEO's and producers, Yoongi had been entertaining stare at me confused, shocked and puzzled. Yoongi also stares mentally saying WTF. Honestly I think I'll make a habit of being controversial, it's something I seem to do often and I quite like the shock on people faces. "Ugh your pregnant and you don't like kids. How?" Some rising idol says. I can tell this is what he is, because of the way he holds himself and how he tries to copy his more successful and established peers. He's obviously here looking for some collabs and some good producers to work with. Maybe a stylist or two. I don't know. "Well, I would've thought you'd know how babies are conceived. But if you want I can explain?" I laugh raising an eyebrow. Everyone laughs except the boy and Yoongi. The boy looks flustered and has gone really red. "I bet you would really like to know how I conceived this baby." I lean in closer. "How I looked, How I felt, How I sounded," I whisper in his ear but loud enough so people could hear. I love messing with people, this boy is in the palm of my hand. "I can see why she's dating SUGA," An actor laughs. Yoongi looks pissed.

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