Chapter 43: The One Where They All Fuck Off

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I can't help but break out into a goofy grin when I see the house of my dreams. "It's beautiful," I murmur. "You haven't even seen inside yet," Yoongi chides whilst he straps Aurora on to his chest and into the baby carrier. Leo wiggles his chubby little fingers in my face to get my attention as I cradle him in my arms. I smile down at him and kiss his forehead. "This is our home now," Yoongi says happily. It's perfect. Yoongi, the kids, the house...its all just perfect. "Come on then let's go inside," Yoongi says. He unlocks the door and we all trail inside. There is a certain gleam to everything. A sweet aroma in each room. "Yoongi this is amazing," I say completely whisked off my feet. I knew that Yoongi was a talented man, capable of many things, but this just goes to show that, is there really anything that he can't do? "You deserve it," he chides. "For doing what?" I question. "For you and the kids being the best thing to ever happen to me in my life," he says. He draws close to me and leans down and pecks my head. "I love you," I say to him. He grins one of his gummy smiles. "I love you too."

End of POV


I need new friends. They all act like boring old fucks. 'Hey, guys what's up' I say. 'Now's not the time Jin' or 'Go away Jin.' Honestly, they don't deserve me. "Jin, what are you doing?" Hoseok says whilst furrowing his eyebrows as he peers into my room. "I don't know," I say scratching the back of my neck. "Are you okay?" Hoseok asks concerned. "I'm fine it's just...aren't you tired of everyone's bullshit?" I say. "I'm just so tired. I'm tired of everyone only wanted me around when they need something. I'm tired of trying to cheer everyone up. I'm tired of being the extra member of the team," I vent, now walking up and down the room. "Then go to sleep," Hoseok says. My eyes narrow. "Is this a joke to you?" I ask. "Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood," he says. "I guess it kinda worked," I say cracking a smile. "Listen, I'm tired too. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines whilst everyone only comes to me if they're 'bored' or feeling 'lonely.' The only person who's ever actually there for me or enjoys my company is you," Hoseok says. "Always," I say cheering up now. "Always," he says. "I guess we'll be tired together," I say. "Single and tired?" Hoseok says, "We might as well sleep together." "Haha...wait what?" I ask confused. "What?" He says. "Huh?" Is all I can muster. "I'll see you around Jin," Hoseok chides as he walks out of the room.

End of POV

Jungkook POV

I feel like I'm dying yet I've never felt so alive. As if there's a sun lighting up in me and burning me with its blazing glory. "Jungkook?" Leila calls. "I'm in here," I say. "Jungkook...I think something's wrong with me," she says. "What do you mean?" I ask suddenly concerned. "I just feel like I'm slipping away-slipping away into the waves of a never-ending ocean," she says. "It's like I'm drowning in my own body," she whispers. "I'm sorry I just don't understand what's happening to me," Leila says as goosebumps begin to dot her arms. "Its okay," I say pulling her into my arms. "I won't let anything bad happen to you," I reassure hugging her to my chest as if she can hear the sincerity of my words in the rhythm of my heartbeat. "Leila...what did you mean by slipping away?" I ask softly, delicately, almost afraid to hear the answer. She sits up and looks me in the eye as she mindlessly draws patterns on my hands with her thumbs. "It feels like there's this energy...rippling through my body and threatening to take me over," she says. "I know it sounds crazy but-" "It's not crazy," I interrupt. "Is it...something new this feeling?" I ask nervously. "I think it's always been there deep inside but I've never felt it like this feels like I'm dying yet I've never felt..." " alive," I finish. "You feel it too don't you," she says squeezing my hands. "Yes I do," I say. "Jungkook, do you think we'll be okay...that whatever's happening to us will end up alright?" She questions uncertainly. "I don't know. But I swear to you Leila that I'll fight till the end to save us," I promise. She pulls me into a kiss as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Thank you..." She whispers. "I promise I'll fight for us too," She says. "No matter what."

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