Chapter 27: Trust issues

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Yoongi POV

I'm waiting outside Y/N's room for Kira and Leila to come out of the room. I can't bear this anymore, I need to see her. I hear the door open and see Kira and Leila walking out of the room. They seem to be smiling; why would they be smiling? They move out of the way for me to walk into the Y/N's room. I sit back on the chair. I've been sitting on this same uncomfortable chair for the past week as I wait for Y/N to wake up. I think overall the good times I've had with Y/N. I'll never forget her beautiful smile. Even though I may never see her smile again. Never hear her witty comebacks. She'll always be mine forever. "Forever," I whisper to myself. "Forever," I hear a faint voice say. I look up from my hands. "You're my forever," The voice repeats. I look over at her bed. I see Y/N with her eyes open and weakly smiling at me. Awake. She's awake. I practically fall off my chair and run over to Y/N's side and hold her hand. "Wait am I dreaming again," I say shocked. "No Yoongi your not, I'm here," Y/N says cupping my face. Tears fall down my face. "I thought that I would never see you again," I say as I reflect on everything that's happened. "Well here I am," She says; her voice hoarse. I can't help myself. I kiss her and she kisses me back. I don't know how long we kiss for but it felt like forever. We only stopped when we couldn't breathe anymore. I smiled at her and put my pinkie finger out. And she put hers in mine. "Forever," I repeat as it still doesn't feel real. "Forever," She replies. I smile brightly back at her as I press the buzzer to call the doctors and nurses. They come rushing in as we are currently their priority patients. I only want the best for Y/N. "Sir is everything all right?" A nurse pants obviously out of breath. "Everything is just right. She's up. She's alive. Everything going to be okay," I say, basically squealing like a little kid. The doctors smile at me as they see me kneel next to her and she waves at them. "Sir we're going to have to run a few tests. Maybe you could inform your friends," I hesitate at first I don't want to leave her with strangers. "Yoongi-I know what your thinking, I'll be fine okay," Y/N says gesturing me to go. I run out to tell everyone that Y/N is alive.

End of POV


I smile to see how happy Yoongi is. Like honestly I swear he would have never left if I hadn't told him to. "You know he's barely left this room," The doctor says, I look up at him. "Yeah, he threatened to sue if we made him leave," A nurse says. I roll my eyes "Idiot," I mutter. They all laugh at my comment. " did you come to date SUGA of BTS. Like you're obviously not from around here," A nurse says while taking my blood pressure. "To cut it long story short I won a competition and a few weeks later we kissed," I say smiling at the memories. "Well my daughter's going to be distraught," The Doctor says. "Don't tell her," I say laughing but also slightly concerned. "No don't worry. I'm not going to spill," he says laughing at my instant worry. "Well, you're all good. You can probably go home tomorrow," A nurse says. "Umm...Y/N, before you get discharged can we ask you a few questions?" The doctor asks.

My heart drops and I start to hyperventilate as all the memories start flooding back. I close my eyes and hope everyone will disappear. "It's okay miss just breath, look at me, no-one is going to hurt you," The nurse says. I calm down slightly. "You don't have to say or answer anything you don't want to," The doctor says. I nod to say I understand. "So what drove you to do this to yourself," he says gesturing to my arms. "Memories," I say; not giving any eye contact. "Would you like to tell us about them," The Doctor says.
"No, I don't trust you. You could hurt me," I say as I start to become increasingly nervous. "You can trust us," A nurse says smiling. "No I can't, I can't trust anyone. I want Yoongi." I say tears falling from my eyes. "Um-sorry miss we can't do that. This is a confidential meeting," The nurse says; turning to the Doctor looking worried. "YOONGI!" I shout. I don't know why I did it, I just didn't feel safe. Before anyone knew it Yoongi was running through the door and at my side; holding on to me as tears fall down my face. "WTF! I LEAVE THE ROOM FOR WHAT FIVE MINUTES. AND SHE'S CRYING HER EYES OUT AND SHE'S SHOUTING MY NAME!" Yoongi yells. I cover my ears and start rocking back and forth. "I'm sorry if I scared you baby," Yoongi whispers; drying my eyes with his thumb. Yoongi takes a deep breath. "Can someone please explain what is going on," Yoongi says calming slightly. The doctor coughs, "Well we were asking a few questions, it's protocol. And she became very stressed and had a panic attack. Sir, I'm very worried about her." Yoongi holds me close to his chest. "What do you mean?" Yoongi asks. "I'm not a psychiatrist but I can take a very educated guess and see that she has a few problems such as anxiety, depression and serious trust issues. She comes across very nervous," The Doctor says looking down at me and Yoongi. "So what do you suggest we do?" Yoongi says with concern in his voice. "That she sees a psychiatrist get a proper diagnosis. And then probably go to therapy sessions," The doctor says. "Okay, can you leave us please," Yoongi says. The doctor and nurse bow and leave the room. "I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm such a burden to you. I'll go back to Y/C when I've recovered," I say looking at my hands. "Don't be stupid. You're staying here with me and I will make sure you get better. I can't live without you Y/N," Yoongi says holding my hands. "Yoongi can you get the others and can we go home. I want to feel normal again," I say. "Yes baby, anything you want, I'll make it happen1," Yoongi says smiling. He hugs me. "It's going to be alright baby," Yoongi says in my ear. He gets up to go and get the others.

They all come in with presents and balloons. Everybody is really loud and I get really scared. My breathing quickens and I start to panic. "Shut up guys. I told you to be quiet." Yoongi says with annoyance in his voice. "It's okay," I say once I have calmed down. "We were so worried," Everyone says. "Like we thought we were going to lose you," Hoseok says. Everybody nods in agreement. "Sorry about what I said to you Y/N. And you are not a whore. I was just worried about you and it came out wrong," Leila says looking at her feet. "It's okay, don't worry Leila it's not your fault," I say in return smiling at her. "Umm just to let you know Y/N he's all yours," Kira says gesturing at Yoongi. I giggle at her comment. Yoongi ruffles my hair "Time to go, baby girl," Yoongi says; giving me his hand to help me up. I take it and try to stand up. I successfully do it but I'm slightly unbalanced. Yoongi puts my shoes on and helps me walk out with the rest of the gang. I bow to the doctors on my way out and apologise for my outburst. They smile and say it's alright and that they understand. We walk out to the car and get in.
As we start to drive I fall asleep on Yoongi's shoulder. Finally, I can start again.

End of POV

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