Chapter 32: Girl scouts

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I wipe the tears from eyes and take a deep breath trying to compose myself. "A When?" Leila says confused. "I started having these strange dreams and visions. Then in the letter my aunt sent me it told me about myself, but I tried to hide it from you guys that's why I didn't say anything. I thought you would be scared of me." "Okay wow, a lot to process here. Sorry to ask but does Yoongi know because isn't it kinda dangerous and all," Leila says concerned. I look down at my skirt and tug on it "No," I mutter. I feel myself hyperventilating, I can't breathe and Leila's words are distorted. I try to slow my breathing and I calm down a bit. "Later that evening I called my aunt and told her the situation with Yoongi and she said it fine as I don't know how to activate my powers so everyone is safe," I murmur. "Oh okay. So what are you worried about then?"Leila says while rubbing my back. "That's not the point though, my aunt also explained to me I always had the allure and power so it could affect things," I say mumbling the last part. "Y/N I know what you're getting at here but in no way shape or form, it is your fault from it. A.J was evil and manipulative. You were both young and went to the same school, but he abused you no matter what your wearing or what you look like it's never your fault," Leila says comforting me. I nod and smile. I'll tell Yoongi soon, I hope he won't freak out or something. My eyes begin to get heavy and I fall asleep on the plane.

Time Skip

A car came to pick us up at the airport, I hadn't been to Trinidad in years and it's so good to be back. I have been feeling weird lately but I usually just brush off the feeling. The car pulls up in front of my Aunty's farm. The warmth is so nice against my skin, this is definitely sunbathing weather, the contrast between here and Korea is insane. We all file out of the car-Yoongi close behind me, I swear Yoongi is the most protective boyfriend ever, he has a reason too I guess I'm not exactly mentally stable.

We walk down the path towards my Aunty's house, we can see countless chicken's flapping about. Jin's filming it to put on Twitter. I feel an arm slip around my waist "Your cute yah know," I hear that familiar voice say. "Not as cute as you," I giggle. Yoongi scrunches his face up. "See~" I sing. I feel Yoongi place a kiss on my cheek. I blush deeply at his sweet actions. Finally, we stand in front of the large door of my Aunt's house. I knock on the door and swing back and forth on my feet waiting for the door to open. After a short wait, we hear the twist of the key and the door finally open. Before I can say or do anything I'm brought into a massive embrace. "Yah my favourite niece she's still just as pretty and I see your breast are still way above average size," She says happily in her sing-song accent. "Hi Aunty Ruby, how are you?" I say awkwardly looking down at my feet. I know Yoongi probably has a smirk permanently planted on his face. "I'm good to come in come in guys," She says.

Me, Kira and Leila all file in, but just as Yoongi is about to walk in the door slams. Aunt Ruby opens the door slightly and says seriously, "Sorry girls but I have enough cookies to last me a lifetime." "Shit Jungkook, how many clones do you have," Jimin says. "I swear there's only 14 of them. Chill guys, I don't know what she's talking about," Jungkook says. "Clones? What the hell?" Leila says. "We're just kidding," Jimin says with a laugh. "Are these girl scouts on drugs or something. What the hell have they been putting in those cookies?" My aunt asks in confusion. "Girl scouts?" Yoongi says bewildered. They all look around in confusion. "It's a boy scout. Bulletproof boy scouts," Namjoon explains. "Girl, boy, it's all the same. Now stop harassing me with your drug-induced cookies," my aunt says firmly. "I'm not on drugs!" Jungkook says. "What are you talking about the young man?" Ruby says. Yoongi already looks pissed, I'm fucked. The boys look at each other. "Umm- we are-" Namjoon starts. "Just kidding, I know who you guys are," My Aunt laughs. A wave of relief washes over me.

She opens the door and they all awkwardly shuffle in. However, she stops Yoongi in his tracks. "Hello Mister you must be the boyfriend, she told me everything... I like you, you'll be good for her. But let me tell you if you mess her about you'll have me to answer too. You understand," She says firmly. "Yes, mam!" Yoongi squeaks obviously slightly intimidated. She nods and lets him through.

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