Chapter 31: This isn't the normal secret

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Light filters through the room. I open my eyes to find that I fell asleep while packing. I peel myself off of my-wait. I find that all of my suitcases are packed and zipped shut. I look around in confusion. I could've sworn I finished packing. I open my suitcase just in case. I find all my clothes neatly folded along with all the other important things I need. I hear the door creak open. I spin around to find Yoongi holding some breakfast. "Morning Baby," he says in his usual deep husky morning voice. He presses his lips against my forehead before he hands me my breakfast. "Did I finish packing last night?" I ask in confusion. "Umm no you fell asleep so I finished it for you," he says. "Aww thank you Yoongi," I say as I pull him into a hug. "Yh I don't know if you're going to be saying that later," he says with a mischievous smirk. "Yoongi..." I say worriedly. "Now get dressed the plane departs in 4 hours and we have to be there 2 hours early to check-in," Yoongi says hurriedly. "Okay okay," I say as I wolf down my breakfast. After breakfast, I go and change into some clothes and put on a little bit of makeup. I drag my suitcase downstairs, I curse myself for packing so much I finally get downstairs where everyone else is waiting. I smile brightly at them and go over to Yoongi we all walk out and the drivers take our bags. We all file into the cars, once we are all in the cars and they start to drive I rest my head on Yoongi's shoulders we all just sit there in silence watching the changing scenery come and go. "You're beautiful you know," Yoongi says staring down at my face his sweet smile shining through. I smile up at him "Thank You." I say back. It was just one of those moments of pure bliss it was so simple but will be one of the memories I have before I pass, the pure joy that two people share. The love which could have been made by a master of their craft. Two people handpicked to spend their life together bathing in pure happiness they bring each other and how they view each other as equals.


We board the plane. It takes everything I've got to not think about how the last time I was on a plane AJ started groping my breast and we were on his brothers plane. However, I know this is not the same. Yoongi and I hand in hand as we head to first class. He lightly squeezes my hand in support.

When we get to first-class we all begin choosing who we want to sit next to. Yoongi drags me away with him already making a show that he's sitting with me. "Umm Yoongi," Leila mumbles. "Yh," he says as he spins around. "I know that you want to be with Y/N but I need to talk to her...its important, so I was wondering if I could sit with her," Leila says awkwardly. "What do you need to talk about?" Yoongi asks Leila. "Just trust me it's important," she says as she nervously fiddles with whatever she can find. "It's okay Yoongi. Let me sit with Leila," I say. Yoongi nods his head and reluctantly goes to sit with some stranger as everyone else is buddied up.

The plane begins to depart. "So what is it you wanted to talk about," I ask her. "Well...I've been thinking...and a lot of weird things have been happening lately," Leila mumbles cautiously as she looks around. "And's not making sense. And to be honest I think you know what's going on and you're not telling us," Leila says seriously. "So what's going on Y/N. And what's the real reason why you want to go to Trinidad," Leila asks. "I don't know what you're talking about," I insist. "Really you don't?" she says. "How about when we found that mirror in the basement and you started muttering weird things and now we all have fucking telepathic communication? Or how about one of your weird memories about your mother? Or how about how everyone is constantly horny and having sex?" Leila asks.

"Fine your right," I mumble as I smooth my hands over my skirt. "I'm...I'm just not normal," I whisper. "No ones normal," Leila points out. "No, I mean it. I'm not normal," I insist. Tears begin to fall from my eyes as I lightly begin crying. "See I meant what I said. I really do think that what happened between me and AJ was my fault," I say as the memories come back to me. "No, it wasn't," Leila insists worriedly. "I didn't know what I was doing back then. What if I was doing it unintentionally," I cry. "No trust me it wasn't your fault," Leila urges. "And then there's Yoongi. I don't know if he actually loves me or if maybe I was unintentionally forcing him too," I say while sobbing slightly. "No Yoongi loves you Y/N. I've seen it," Leila says with such confidence that I almost believe it. "No Leila you don't understand," I insist. "Then tell me Y/N what don't I understand," she pleads. I think about everything that I've slowly been realising. Why everyone is so sexually frustrated, why Yoongi and I are always having sex, why AJ is so obsessed with me and the weird memories that I have. "Y/N what is it that you're so afraid to tell me," Leila urges. "Do you really want to know what I'm big dark secret. Do you really?" I ask her. "Yes. Just trust me," Leila says while clutching my hand supportively. I've known Leila for years and I know that I can trust her. It's just. This isn't the normal secret that you tell your friends. I draw in a deep sharp breathe before voicing what I think I've known all along.


"I'm a succubus."

End of POV

A/N Happy Birthday Yoongi. Ahhh I love him so much I just can't.

A/N yah I know this is weird well you were warned

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