Chapter 4: Thanks...

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Haeji's POV

"Let go!"
"Why you--!!"

"H-Huh!?" Openning my eyes, I saw nothing but white. It was a bit blurry. But then it starting to become clear. I was in a room. A white room. I was on a weird bed. Wait... I'm at a hospital. How did I ended up here?

Someone knocked on the door and came in a beautiful nurse. "Let me check your temperature and condition." She put her hand on my forehead. "Hmmm... You'll be good in a few minutes. I'll call your parents." She said and walked out.

I sighed, "What happened to me..?"

A few hours passed and I saw Mom coming in as the door creaked open. "A-Are you alright?? What happened!?" She asked. I could see she's worried.

"Mom.. I don't know what happened. I just woke up. All I remembered was walking home and then I ended up here."

She hugged me. "Well, it's a good thing your safe."

I smiled. But there's something questionning me. "Mom.. Who brought me here?"

She looked at me, "Well.. I don't know.."

Then... Who!?

Chan's POV

"Hyung, when are you going to stop watching Anime?" My Dongsaeng said, annoyed.

"Oh come on! I just brought a girl to the hospital cause she fainted, just let me watch Anime in peace I am tired!"

He made a weird face, "Okay..? You're weird." And he left.

I sighed, "Girls shouldn't be walking alone at night. And wasn't she always with Reena?"

I smased the table. I felt worried back there. I grabbed my bag and walked out, ''Mom, I'm going to visit a friend."
"Okay! Be home before 8pm."


AT THE HOSPITAL. I walked to the Room where Haeji is. It was on Room 103, but as I looked in, she wasn't there, but another patient. Someone must've moved her to another room. I called Jisung, Felix, and her friends.

"Hey, I'm at the Hospital that Haeji's in." I said.

"What happened!?" Reena asked, worried.
"She got robbed but good thing Chan saw it." Felix explained.
"Hope she's safe." Nikki added.

"Just meet me at the Hospital."

After a few minutes, they finally came. "Hey Chan." Felix greeted.

"Haeji is in Room 209 at the 3rd floor." Reena said.
"Okay, let's go."

We reached to the desired room and knocked before we walked in. "Haeji?"

We saw Haeji sleeping on her bed. Her light skinned color flashed with the sun shinning bright. Okay that's enough. I sat on a chair not too far away from her.

"Awww Haeji..." Nikki was about to cry.
Reena cried, "Nooo!!! Haeji!" while hugging Jisung which felt awkward.

Haeji suddenly woke up, "Ughhh please close the windows, it's too bright!!!"

"HAEJI!" They all screamed.

Haeji's POV

The bright sun keeps bugging me. But then I heard tons of people calling my name. "H-Huh!?"

I looked at Reene, Nikki, Jisung, Felix, and Chan. What're they doing here!?

"What??? Are you doing here???" I asked.

"You got robbed. And Chan saved you." Jisung said.

Chan, saving me? Jinjja? This is not a joke right? "O-Ohhhh..." I looked away.

"Yah! Aren't you going to thank me!?" He said.

"T- T- waegnksisjjzua!?" I said. "Than- Thank- Thank you."

"Good, and you're welcome."

Jisung awkwardly looked at both of us. "I'll leave you two alone for a while..." Those 4 suddenly left us. Alone. In a weird room that I hate being WITH.

"So... About our first date dare, I was thinking of going to the amusement park." He said, excited.

"Really!? THE AMUSEMENT PARK!? That's what you're dealing with!?!?" I glared.
"What? I would love to go to the hunted house, oh and a rollercoaster." He said.


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