Chapter 4

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"ROBERT ESTEVEZ BROWN!" Everyone in the family knew my code: if I used your full name, you should consider yourself warned. "Come downstairs this instant!"

"Nat, I know I promised Mom I'd help you welcoming the guests, but I'm in the middle of something really important here!"

What the– the little rascal didn't show up and was blowing me off? "I don't care, Robert! I need to pee!" I yelled and turned around, facing the entrance. I wasn't alone as I'd believed. "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Ambassador. Mother will be thrilled to see you again." Great, now I'd just embarrassed myself in front of the Chinese Ambassador. Motives to kill my brother kept summing up. As I was left alone again in the foyer, my threatening continued. "Come. Here. NOW!"

"Stop pressuring me! You have no idea what I've been through the last hour, Nathalie! Ethan's in 1811 and now this guy– OUCH! Stop that!" I heard him scream after a sound of a slap. What was he talking about? Ethan wasn't even in New York. He'd been involved in a new – ultra secret, of course – project. Mom was devastated when she learned he wouldn't make it to her birthday party.

Suddenly, I comprehended Robert's erratic behavior. "Are you with someone? Are you high?"

"I wish I were, Nat. Trust me."

What?! "What's going on?"

"I've told you! Ethan's gone! And now there's this two-hundred-year-old guy sleeping in my bed and–OOOUCH!" Again, another slap noise and a scream on the other side of the line.


"You're totally and absolutely high!" I accused.

"Who are you speaking to?" Dad was right behind me and, as usual, I hadn't even heard him approaching. Ninja alert.

Dad had a deep line between his eyes, indicating my words had him worried. My brothers' adventures had been responsible for a few new strands of gray hair on his head, and some new lines on his forehead. Still, he was a handsome man with his chocolate-brown eyes, his olive skin and full brows. Being over six feet tall also helped.

When I was younger, many of my girlfriends had a major crush on him. They kept giggling and whispering at each other whenever he showed up. I thought they'd get over it with time and most of them did. Except for Fanny, who insisted on being highly inappropriate and making the most disgusting remarks whenever Dad was around.


"It's Fanny, Dad. She wants to use the stairs to leave her apartment building! Over twenty flights of stairs and all because she wants to lose a few pounds, which she doesn't need at all. She's a victim of a society that imposes impossible standards to women." Oh, that was bad. I was prattling, which was a dangerous indicator of Nathalie-lying. Worst of all, I couldn't manage to stop myself once I'd started. "Anyhow, I just told her it's too high, but she insists on using the stairs. Can you believe it?"

Trying to loosen up his tie a little bit, he looked at me with an amused expression and a half-smile on his lips. He hated to wear tuxedo, but I'd never heard him complain to Mom. When a man spends the night wearing a tux and talking to boring people without complaining to you, you know you've found the love of your life. Just so you know. "No. I don't believe you, honey. Protecting your brother again?"

He took the phone from my hand without waiting for my confirmation of his suspicions, barking an order to the receiver, "Get down here. Now." Robert's desperate yells made the line on Dad's forehead grow deeper. Should I be concerned about my brother too? "Calm down and stay exactly where you are, Bobby", Dad commanded and ended the call.

"What was that about?", I asked him.

"I'm not sure. All I know is your brother can't come to the party in his present condition. Stay here, Nat."

"Dad!", I turned to him, conscious I sounded like a toddler. "But I need to pee!" He completely ignored me as he reentered our building. After whining alone for a few seconds, I faced the entrance again. There were three very powerful, very elegant people staring at me. "Mr. Mayor! Mrs. First lady! And Mr. Secretary! What an honor." And major embarrassing moment, but that part I left out.

I was so going to kill Robert Estevez Brown.

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