Chapter 78

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TERRY: Do you know why you're here, Bobby?

BOBBY: It isn't mine! I swear!

TERRY: Are you talking about the weed I found on you or the pot plants I found in your room?

BOBBY: I... Never saw it! It's not mine!

TERRY: Whose is it, then?

BOBBY: It's a conspiracy! Someone forged the evidence!

TERRY: So, you're saying someone grew marijuana plants in your room, without your knowledge, in the hopes an officer would come by some day, find out, and get you arrested for that?

BOBBY: That's a great theory!

TERRY: It's a terrible theory. You have beautiful eyes, you know?


TERRY: Your eyes will be a major success where you're going.

BOBBY: Wh-Where I am going?! Where am I going?

TERRY: Jail, dude.

BOBBY: No! No way! I need a lawyer!

TERRY: Look at where we are.

BOBBY: Oh, we're at this very nice and very deserted warehouse.

TERRY: Exactly. And do you know how many lawyers come to warehouses like this one?

BOBBY: Very bad lawyers?

TERRY: Not even those, Bobby.

BOBBY: Oh, my God. So I'm gonna became the next Miss Congeniality in jail? Is that it?

TERRY: Well, there's a way... We can make a deal... I need some information...

BOBBY: Any deal, any information, anything!

TERRY: Well, I know you're not supposed to tell anyone, but I need to know your sister's whereabouts. I know you don't wanna tell me, but–

BOBBY: She's at La Burdo-something avenue, in Paris! I have the address! If you just let me check out my cell, I can–Ouch!

[Someone hits Bobby on the head. Well deserved, this author believes.]

FANNY: You little traitor! How could you give out your sister's location like that?

TERRY: But, I thought that's what you wanted, Fanny!

BOBBY: Fanny?! What... Why... Dude!

FANNY: Yes, Terry, that's exactly what I wanted, but you could be anyone! He couldn't have known you were with me!

BOBBY: So, you're with this scary dude? Does it mean I'm not going to be Miss Congeniality in a jail somewhere?

FANNY: Shut up, Bobby!

TERRY: What do we do now?

FANNY: We're going to Paris.

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