Chapter 27

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A couple of months ago...


Things hadn't begun well that evening. Terry had invited Fanny out, stating where they'd go would be a surprise. Getting all worked up with excitement, she kept insisting he told her about his plans for the date. She annoyed him so, Terry had no other option but confess he was taking her to the cinema.

All that suspense for a freaking movie? She was frustrated. However, the prospect of making out with him in the dark made her consider the night not a complete waste. Yet. She wouldn't shave her Oracle, though. It was too soon.

"Oh, babe... You call your... You know... Oracle?", Nat demanded as Fanny told her about the plans for that night.

"Actually, I call it vagina, but I use 'Oracle' in respect of your weird cussing."

"Thanks, that was very respectful", Nat mentioned, after laughing for a whole minute. Fanny doubted humorless Patricia could make her best friend giggle like she did.

"I've gotta go, Nat. Gotta finish dressing." She told her best friend.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't, Fanny."

"Oh, you know I always do."

As soon as she hung up the phone, Terry texted her, informing her that he was parked outside her building. "Take your time finishing dressing," He'd written, "I don't mind waiting."

He'd just earned himself shaved legs and a shorter dress. She was ready in fifteen minutes, wearing a black and nude lace body-con dress, with two-piece, black dress sandals and her diamond hoop earrings. She was dressed to kill-a-guy-in-bed-with-a-heart-attack, and she knew it.

He was leaning on his black sedan as she left her place, and the evidence of her hotness was all over his features. You're mine, Mr. Idris Elba.

Still with his eyes admiring her body, he opened the passenger door for her. She could swear her panties dropped a little bit then. "I see chivalry isn't extinct, as some might've believed."

He smiled, and kissed her cheek when she was close enough, putting his hand on her lower back, making her shiver a bit. It wasn't chilly at all, but Terry pretended not to notice how her body had reacted to his minimal touch. "You look great, Fanny. And smell even better", he whispered in her ear.

Had that been said by any other man, she'd have a cynical response ready. Many, actually. But all she could think about then was the things they could be doing in his backseat...

He was so sexily adorable... And so adorably sexy... A very dangerous combination for one's panties.

As soon as they were both in the car, he began talking about safe-yet-refreshing topics, successfully avoiding awkward silences, without having to mention anything as boring as the weather. "Do you mind if we make a quick stop at this gas station? I've gotta fuel and get some snack. I didn't have lunch today, and we're only having dinner after the movie..."

"Sure", she was able somehow to say, for he chose that precise moment to put his paw of a hand on her thigh, just above her knee. Intimate, yet respectful. Oh, God. My panties just dropped a little further... If he continues like that, I won't be wearing any panties at all by the end of the night...

"Thanks, gorgeous", he kissed her on the cheek again, and squeezed her leg lightly, making her shameless-self do the cancan mentally. This wasn't common ground for Fanny. Normally, it was her who made the guys lose all rationality near her, not the other way around!

She'd made herself cool down a little by the time he returned to the car. He'd bought original Pringles, which she'd admitted, at Jake's Dilemma, as being her favorite junk food. "I know", he said with an arrogant smirk when he saw her surprise, "I'm adorable, right?"

"Believe me, I've got many words to describe you besides adorable." Her tone made him stop smirking and stare at her lips, his mouth full with chips. He swallowed hard, and her face moved closer to his. Their lips were almost touching, when they heard a gunshot. Followed by three others.

"NYPD! Drop your weapon!", Terry ordered, and the robber wisely obeyed. The detective was a tough looking man, one that could scare the worst type of bandit when he was on duty. Or, in that particular case, when the job had found him.

Fanny wasn't scared at all. After the police cars arrived, the criminal was taken away, and the gas station owner had thanked Terry a million times for saving the day (and his customers lives), he finally returned to Fanny.

"I'm sorry about ruining our date...", Terry apologized, wondering if he'd have a new chance with her. He'd liked her from the moment he'd heard her cursing like a drunk pirate, but many women couldn't stand a cop's way of life. Or, in his case, a detective's, which could be, in many ways, worse.

"What makes you think our date was ruined? It's not over yet", he felt his heart filling with hope as she approached him, a sexy, inviting smile playing on her lips and eyes. "Actually, I think it has barely begun... By the way, do you ride criminals in this car?"

Terry couldn't be more confused by her inquiry, but answered anyhow. "No, this is my private vehicle. Why?"

"Oh, 'cause we're paying your backseat a visit. And you don't have to worry: we won't be doing anything illegal in there. Not yet."

"So, how was it?", Nat called her best friend as soon as she woke up the next day.

"Let me tell you, babe: on our next date, which will be this weekend, Oracle will be as bold as she were when I was born."

"That great, huh? Never heard of you going baldy over a guy before", Nat considered, chuckling. "So, what did he do right to make you give up your shaving rule after date number one?"

"First of all, it was date number two. We had our first date with you guys, remember? Besides, we had the most amazing make out session in the century, and I could feel him against my thigh. And it was B.H.T.!"

"What?", Nat stopped giggling then. It couldn't be good, but she still had to ask.

"Big. Hard. Thiiiiick!", Fanny practically sang.

"Oh, my sweet little mermaid! Why did I ask?"

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